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When a TCK "Comes Home"

I am a USA TCK who was born in a modest Midwest city. From the age of 9, I was overseas. Dad was a geologist & realized he could make good money for oil companies so off we went. Then, aged 19, I returned to my birthplace after graduating from an International school & a stint at the US Embassy in the USIS division (USIA now). Here is my story & dilemma:
My parents were still overseas & separated. They sold my childhood home in the suburbs because my Dad did not want to rent it, complaining about repair costs. So I had no home to return to (My Dad later remarried & never returned to Gary, Indiana anyhow).
At first, I moved in with my grandparents. But they had restrictions. When I could come home at night (I'm male), no bringing girls over (Religious Irish Catholics) & this did not bode well for a 19 year old who had already worked for a US Embassy so we started to argue & my Dad stepped in & said "live in a dormitory".
I enrolled in the dorms of a state school & immediately, I had trouble fitting in. Other kids said "He's different". They called me "old man" because I was 19 & seemed 30 years old. Some of the rowdier frat types began playing really awful pranks on me like peeing in cups & propping them against my door so when I opened my dormitory room door urine would spill all over my floor. My only friend was a Jewish girl who had served in the IDF so she too had been overseas & when I asked her "why are they doing this?" she replied "They say you are different." In International schools overseas, everyone is different. Different countries, different cultures. Nobody looks at anybody different twice. There are no cliques really. Brits hang around Brits a bit more in Dubai, Indians with Indians, but other than that there are no jocks, dweebs, gearheads...And no bullying.
This school campus was in downtown Gary, Indiana so there was crime. I grew up in Dubai, so I was used to a crime free environment. One morning, someone from my dorm was involved in an on-campus break in of a campus store. The police mistakenly knocked on my door because he lived next to me. I opened it & the Sherriff was rough & said "hands against the wall!" & began frisking me when he realized my name was not Tom the suspect & he had the wrong he simply without explanation left. I was shaken by the experience. Moreover, there was racism at this school. Some of the whites were racist & used racist terminology. Because I grew up overseas, I never met racists. My best friend in Dubai was from Zanzibar.
In a desperate attempt to fit in, I grew my hair out & grew a goatee. I bought clothes with marijuana emblems. I figured that "stoners" were an easy clique to blend into: it was, to begin with, multiracial & also did not require much in the way of expenses. If people thought you were "stoned" they would ignore your weirdness. The problem was, at the age 19 & raised in Dubai, I did not know anything about weed. Soon other students who were "alternative" & would actually talk to me said that there were rumors that "I was a cop" who was "undercover". My only friend in that first year was a Korean exchange student & he smoked pot & taught me how to roll a joint well enough & how to inhale that I would no longer be thought of as a "narc" again.
I also experienced petty crime for the first time. My locker lock was sawed through at the Student Activity Center & my shoes, ID, everything stolen. In Dubai, there is virtually no theft. Nobody in an international school is going to steal your shoes.
After one year at this Gary college, fed up with crime & various urban woes, I transferred to a more bucolic school 100 miles South. The rural Midwest is real backward in some ways. Many of the locals were what you might refer to as "redneck trash".
However, there was none of the serious urban crime of Gary.
In this rural town, I had a problem adjusting with the local rednecks. Many of them behaved exactly like you would expect people from the cast of DELIVERANCE to behave. They chewed tobacco, they wore too-tight t-shirts, they had beer bellies, cheap tattoos, dirty John Deere hats. I made no attempt to "fit in" with them. But the only jobs I could get were off-campus & the locals really disliked me. I didn't talk about my childhood in Africa, Singapore & the Middle East nor did I did I mention I attended an International School so the local yokels I had no choice but to work in construction or landscaping with just believed I was a "rich college boy hippie".
After I moved into an apartment off-campus, my problems got worse. My roommate did not get along with me & moved out after only three weeks. He was a stoner & business student at the college. He thought I was strange, self-centered, aloof. He moved out after only 3 weeks.
In an act of desperation in need of roommates, I allowed a guy my age named Scott to move in whose girlfriend Tonya was a college student I worked with at the student cafeteria. Scott was from the local trailer park. He was 21 years old & already had a 2 year old daughter from a previous relationship. I went over to help him move out & his mother was in the double-wide & she was a woman in her 40's who tried to get me to stay for a drink & even pawed at him provocatively & Scott exclaimed (In front of his mother) "CAREFUL, MY MOM IS A PERVERT!" I had no problems with Scott personally but one night he came home from his telemarketing job which his boss had fired him from & got his SKS & went out to his boss's house & then came back & bragged "I had the sight on my boss through his living room window". This was my first experience with the redneck obsession with guns-how poor disenfranchised rednecks felt "empowered" by firearms. I got scared at this point & moved to another off-campus apartment. Scott later was arrested for child support & they found his SKS in his apartment & went to jail for a long stretch but not before he got Tonya pregnant (his second out-of-wedlock kid).
During this time, I was still going back to Dubai in the summers. My mother, an architect, still worked there. So I was seeing old friends from International School & now many were graduating & returning to the UAE from Australia or UK or Sweden or India with degrees & working in Dubai. I began to talk to some of the Indian guys I had known from International School in Dubai about THEIR EXPERIENCE in US state colleges-we would trade stories about the comparative backwardness of rural locals, the racism, the ignorance of kids who had never been anywhere in their entire lives & many of these Indian kids felt the same way I did.
My best friend in Dubai was a Swedish kid name Markus who saw I was depressed & said "Why don't you just stay here. I'll give you a job at my publishing company. We can share the company flat." But I declined, wanting to complete my degree.
The last year I returned to Indiana I was really depressed after that summer in Dubai. I moved back into the dorms from off-campus, simply to get away from lousy roommates & local hicks. The problem was that now I was 23 & the other students in the dorms were 19 or 20. I requested to live with the RA, simply because I thought he might be more mature. When I met him he exclaimed "We thought you were a foreign kid because of your name" & I just winced. That last year in the dorms was difficult.
So I transferred to Arizona State University. I figured the desert vistas would remind me of Dubai. Too old for the dorms by then at age 24, I found a condo to share in Tempe with some students from the local art college.
For the first time in Phoenix, I also encountered a new species called the "Tweaker". This genus belonged to the unfettered white urban underclass & they were crystal meth addicts. I was warned about them. How they would steal anything. A few panhandled me. On one occasion outside my Tempe condo, I witnessed a "tweaker" running down the sidewalk with his pants down & another tweaker was chasing him.
I also had a bad encounter with Phoenix PD. My bike got a flat tire & I parked it in an alley. Suddenly, some police swerved over in a patrol car. The jumped out very aggressively. One drew his gun. They flashed their badges. "We just saw you abandon the bike, that looks suspicious!" Then the policeman asked me for ID. I reached for it & he shouted "GET YOUR HANDS AWAY FROM YOUR POCKETS!" Finally, he got my license. He ran it for warrants, which of course I did not have. Fed up & having taken a law class in college I said "am I being detained" & the officer snarled "Don't be a wiseass or you'll be trying to get bailed out of jail!" & without a word he & his partner took off.
One last thing happened before I finally managed to graduate from ASU. I was in downtown Phoenix & was nearly assaulted by a roving gang of "Cholos". Gangs were a real problem in Phoenix.
Another issue was that I really had nowhere to live in Northern Indiana. My parents had long divorced & they themselves were gone from the USA. Dad went on to work for oil companies in Chad in Central Africa, in Jakarta in Indonesia, a bunch of other countries I've know forgotten. My mother moved to London to work as an architect. She worked in London for 25 years after Dubai. My grandparents were in their seventies so I could not really live with them.
Finally, I called Markus, my Swedish friend in Dubai. I pleaded for him to get me a job & let me live with him & his Lebanese girlfriend who also graduated from our same International School.
I quickly sold my meager possessions & bought a ticket.
The last week in Tempe, Arizona my old "international kid" persona & cultured boarding school accent returned. I cut my hair, stopped smoking weed, bought new casual dress clothes, a new suit.
I started treated the townies with a kind of contempt. One of them, nicknamed Zeke, was an Eminem-type wannabe (As they were called in those days) who would break out in inane rap songs. "YOU'RE GOING ON AN AMBLE...WHERE DA JOCKEY'S RIDE CAMELS-" & I looked away from really disgustedly. He pressed me on it & I replied "You're an idiot, you really are."
So I flew to London, where my mother worked, and visited her. I felt so much better. So much safer in London. There were no more "cholos" or "tweakers" like Phoenix. The English bobbies were friendly & not aggressive like the US police. There were no hicks calling people "fags". There were no hillbilly single mothers with sullen bruised eyes. There were no crackheads. I'm sure these things exist in London (Though not Dubai) but I did not experience them.
I got back to Dubai to the room in Marcus's flat. I put on a huge casual act but when I was alone, I broke down & trembled about the things I had experienced during my 6 years in the USA.
The weird thing was that returning to Dubai in the fall of 1999 was like coming home. I was genuinely relieved to have returned to a place I felt safe. A place filled with erudite European professional class people where nobody from the various nationalities would ever call me "a fag" & everybody was different.
Occasionally, my mother would visit me in Dubai. I came clean to her. That I thought the Northern Indiana was a dismal awful place, that I believed that the US suffered from some deep societal rot, that as an international kid who had grown up in privilege I could not cope with the crime, the squalor, that my earning power was not great enough in the USA to get away from these things, that I loathed "rednecks" on crystal meth.
Sometimes in Dubai my experiences with "white trash rednecks" in Northern Indiana would haunt me. I would be driving jogging down the beach as the sun set over the Gulf of Oman & I would think about Scott's grotesque made up cougar Mom in the double-wide trailer & the words "CAREFUL, MY MOM IS A PERVERT!" or the tweaker in Tempe, Arizona who ran down the street high on meth with his pants down.
Occasionally, for reasons of some sort of self-satisfaction, I would contact some of the kids I knew at school on social media. One of them was a Polish-American named Stanley who returned to Gary. He complained that Gary was getting much worse, that he could not sell his house & move, that his job as a public school teacher was dangerous. Somehow, this affirmed my feelings in some way.
I also spoke to other American TCK's I had known in my youth at the International School. A few became full-fledged junkies who struggled with heroin for years. When I asked him why, he told me he did not like the USA & was basically "stuck there".
To some degree, far more than the British or Australia other nationalities at the Dubai international school, the American former TCK's had a much more difficult time adjusting to the USA as adults.
A few of them even visited Dubai as adults with their own money, not an inexpensive trip. One of my classmates, Steven, from Texas, even took his honeymoon there. He & I visited our old International School & sat outside. He told me he missed Dubai deeply as an adult. His father also worked in oil & he had returned to his small Texas town outside Austin. He had the same complaints I did. That he was around "dumb hicks" who were unworldly that could not relate to him or vice versa. That he thought many US laws & cultural aspects were "stupid".
Over the years in Dubai, I forgot about my experiences. I traveled & lived around the world. I never returned to my birthplace.
So I wondered if other American TCK's had a similar experience.
submitted by Active-Neat-5511 to TCK [link] [comments]

Old school strain info. Long read, but very informative. From an old growers guide in the 70’s.

Marijuana grown in the United States is usually one of two main types: indica or sativa. Indica plants originated in the Hindu-Kush valleys in central Asia, which is located between the 25-35 latitudes. The weather there is changeable. One year there may be drought, the next it might be cloudy, wet, rainy or sunny. For the population to survive, the plant group needs to have individuals which survive and thrive under different conditions. Thus, in any season, no matter what the weather, some plants will do well and some will do poorly.
Indica was probably developed by hash users for resin content, not for flower smoking. The resin was removed from the plant. An indication of indica's development is the seeds, which remain enclosed and stick to the resin. Since they are very hrd to disconnect from the plant, they require human help. Wild plants readily drop seeds once they mature.
Plants from the same line from equatorial areas are usually fairly uniform. These include Colombians and central Africans. Plants from higher latitudes of the same line sometimes have very different characteristics. These include Southern Africans, Northern Mexicans, and indicas. The plants look different from each other and have different maturities and potency. The ratio of THC (the ingredient which is psychoactive) to CBD (its precursor, which often leaves the smoker feeling disoriented, sleepy, drugged or confused) also varies.
High latitude sativas have the same general characteristics: they tend to mature early, have compact short branches and wide, short leaves which are dark green, sometimes tinged purple.
Indica buds are usually tight, heavy, wide and thick rather than long. They smell "stinky", "skunky", or "pungent" and their smoke is thick - a small toke can induce coughing. The best indicas have a relaxing "social high" which allow one to sense and feel the environment but do not lead to thinking about or analyzing the experience.
Cannabis sativa plants are found throughout the world. Potent varieties such as Colombian, Panamanian, Mexican, Nigerian, Congolese, Indian and Thai are found in equatorial zones. These plants require a long time to mature and ordinarily grow in areas where they have a long season. They are usually very potent, containing large quanities of THC and virtually no CBD. They have long, medium-thick buds when they are grown in full equatorial sun, but under artificial light or even under the temperate sun, the buds tend to run (not fill out completely). The buds usually smell sweet or tangy and the smoke is smooth, sometimes deceptively so.
The THC to CBD ratio of sativa plants gets lower as the plants are found further from the equator. Jamaican and Central Mexican varieties are found at the 15-20th latitudes. At the 30th latitude, varieties such as Southern African and Northern Mexican are variable and may contain equal amounts of THC and CBD, giving the smoker and buzzy, confusing high. These plants are used mostly for hybridizing. Plants found above the 30th latitude usually have low levels of THC, with high levels of CBD and are considered hemp.
If indica and sativa varieties are considered opposite ends of a spectrum, most plants fall in between the spectrum. Because of marijuana and hemp's long symbiotic relationship with humans, seeds are constantly procured or traded so that virtually all populations have been mixed with foreign plants at one time or another.
Even in traditional marijuana-growing countries, the marijuana is often the result of several cross lines. Jamaican ganja, for example, is probably the result of crosses between hemp, which the English cultivated for rope, and Indian ganja, which arrived with the Indian immigrants who came to the country. The term for marijuana in Jamaic in ganja, the same as in India. The traditional Jamaican term for the best weed is Kali, named for the Indian killer goddess.
here is some info from mj botany.
a) Colombia - (0 to 10 north latitude)
Colombian Cannabis originally could be divided into two basic strains: one from the low-altitude humid coastal areas along the Atlantic near Panama, and the other from the more arid mountain areas inland from Santa Marta. More recently, new areas of cultivation in the interior plateau of southern central Colombia and the highland valleys stretching southward from the Atlantic coast have become the primary areas of commercial export Cannabis cultivation. Until recent years high quality Cannabis was available through the black market from both coastal and highland Colombia. Cannabis was introduced to Colombia just over 100 years ago, and its cultivation is deeply rooted in tradition. Cultivation techniques often involve transplanting of selected seedlings and other individual attention. The production of "la mona amarilla" or gold buds is achieved by girdling or removing a strip of bark from the main stem of a nearly mature plant, thereby restricting the flow of water, nutrients, and plant products. Over several days the leaves dry up and fall off as the flowers slowly die and turn yellow. This produces the highly prized "Colombian gold" so prevalent in the early to middle 1970s (Partridge 1973). Trade names such as "punta roja" (red tips [pistils] ), "Cali Hills," "choco," "lowland," "Santa Marta gold," and "purple" give us some idea of the color of older varieties and the location of cultivation.
In response to an incredible demand by America for Cannabis, and the fairly effective control of Mexican Cannabis importation and cultivation through tightening border security and the use of Paraquat, Colombian farmers have geared up their operations. Most of the marijuana smoked in America is imported from Colombia. This also means that the largest number of seeds available for domes tic cultivation also originate in Colombia. Cannabis agri-business has squeezed out all but a few small areas where labor-intensive cultivation of high quality drug Cannabis such as "Ia mona amarilla" can continue. The fine marijuana of Colombia was often seedless, but commercial grades are nearly always well seeded. As a rule today, the more remote highland areas are the centers of commercial agriculture and few of the small farmers remain. It is thought that some highland farmers must still grow fine Cannabis, and occasional connoisseur crops surface. The older seeds from the legendary Colombian strains are now highly prized by breeders. In the heyday of "Colombian gold" this fine cerebral marijuana was grown high in the mountains. Humid lowland marijuana was characterized by stringy, brown, fibrous floral clusters of sedative narcotic high. Now highland marijuana has become the commercial product and is characterized by leafy brown floral clusters and sedative effect. Many of the unfavorable characteristics of imported Colombian Cannabis result from hurried commercial agricultural techniques combined with poor curing and storage. Colombian seeds still contain genes favoring vigorous growth and high THC production. Colombian strains also contain high levels of CBD and CBN, which could account for sedative highs and result from poor curing and storage techniques. Domestic Colombian strains usually lack CBD and CBN. The commercial Cannabis market has brought about the eradication of some local strains by hybridizing with commercial strains.
Colombian strains appear as relatively highly branched conical plants with a long upright central stem, horizontal limbs and relatively short internodes. The leaves are characterized by highly serrated slender leaflets (7-11) in a nearly complete to overlapping circular array of varying shades of medium green. Colombian strains usually flower late in temperate regions of the northern hemisphere and may fail to mature flowers in colder climates. These strains favor the long equatorial growing seasons and often seem insensitive to the rapidly decreasing daylength during autumn in temperate latitudes. Because of the horizontal branching pattern of Colombian strains and their long growth cycle, pistillate plants tend to produce many flowering clusters along the entire length of the stem back to the central stalk. The small flowers tend to produce small, round, dark, mottled, and brown seeds. Imported and domestic Colombian Cannabis often tend to be more sedative in psychoactivity than other strains. This may be caused by the synergistic effect of THC with higher levels of CBD or CBN. Poor curing techniques on the part of Colombian farmers, such as sun drying in huge piles resembling com post heaps, may form CBN as a degradation product of THC. Colombian strains tend to make excellent hybrids with more rapidly maturing strains such as those from Central and North America.
b) Congo - (5 north to 5 south latitude)
Most seeds are collected from shipments of commercial grade seeded floral clusters appearing in Europe. d) India Centra1 Southern - Kerala, Mysore, and Madras regions (10 to 20 north latitude)
Ganja (or flowering Cannabis tops) has been grown in India for hundreds of years. These strains are usually grown in a seedless fashion and are cured, dried, and smoked as marijuana instead of being converted to hashish as in many Central Asian areas. This makes them of considerable interest to domestic Cannabis cultivators wishing to reap the benefits of years of selective breeding for fine ganja by Indian farmers. Many Europeans and Americans now live in these areas of India and ganja strains are finding their way into domestic American Cannabis crops.
Ganja strains are often tall and broad with a central stalk up to 12 feet tall and spreading highly-branched limbs. The leaves are medium green and made up of 7 to 11 leaf lets of moderate size and serration arranged in a circular array. The frond-like limbs of ganja strains result from extensive compound branching so that by the time floral clusters form they grow from tertiary or quaternary limbs. This promotes a high yield of floral clusters which in ganja strains tend to be small, slender, and curved. Seeds are usually small and dark. Many spicy aromas and tastes occur in Indian ganja strains and they are extremely resinous and psychoactive. Medicinal Cannabis of the late 1800s and early 1900s was usually Indian ganja.
e) Jamaica - (18 north latitude)
Jamaican strains were not uncommon in the late 1960s and early 1970s but they are much rarer today. Both green and brown varieties are grown in Jamaica. The top-of-the-line seedless smoke is known as the "lamb's bread" and is rarely seen outside Jamaica. Most purported Jamaican strains appear stringy and brown much like low land or commercial Colombian strains. Jamaica's close proximity to Colombia and its position along the routes of marijuana smuggling from Colombia to Florida make it likely that Colombian varieties now predominate in Jamaica even if these varieties were not responsible for the original Jamaican strains. Jamaican strains resemble Colombian strains in leaf shape, seed type and general morphology but they tend to be a little taller, thinner, and lighter green. Jamaican strains produce a psychoactive effect of a particularly clear and cerebral nature, unlike many Colombian strains. Some strains may also have come to Jamaica from the Caribbean coast of Mexico, and this may account for the introduction of cerebral green strains.
f) Kenya - Kisumu (5 north to 5 south latitude)
Strains from this area have thin leaves and vary in color from light to dark green. They are characterized by cerebral psychoactivity and sweet taste. Hermaphrodites are common.
h) Malawi, Africa - (10 to 15 south latitude)
Malawi is a small country in eastern central Africa bordering Lake Nyasa. Over the past few years Cannabis from Malawi has appeared wrapped in bark and rolled tightly, approximately four ounces at a time. The nearly seedless flowers are spicy in taste and powerfully psycho active. Enthusiastic American and European Cannabis cultivators immediately planted the new strain and it has be come incorporated into several domestic hybrid strains. They appear as a dark green, large plant of medium height and strong limb growth. The leaves are dark green with coarsely serrated, large, slender leaflets arranged in a narrow, drooping, hand-like array. The leaves usually lack serrations on the distal (tip portion) 20% of each leaflet. The mature floral clusters are sometimes airy, resulting from long internodes, and are made up of large calyxes and relatively few leaves. The large calyxes are very sweet and resinous, as well as extremely psychoactive. Seeds are large, shortened, flattened, and ovoid in shape with a dark grey or reddish brown, mottled perianth or seed coat. The caruncle or point of attachment at the base of the seed is uncommonly deep and usually is surrounded by a sharp edged lip. Some individuals turn a very light yellow green in the flowering clusters as they mature under exposed conditions. Although they mature relatively late, they do seem to have met with acceptance in Great Britain and North America as drug strains. Seeds of many strains appear in small batches of low-quality African marijuana easily available in Amsterdam and other European cities. Phenotypes vary considerably, however, many are similar in appearance to strains from Thailand.
i) Mexico - (15 to 27 north latitude)
Mexico had long been the major source of marijuana smoked in America until recent years. Efforts by the border patrols to stop the flow of Mexican marijuana into the United States were only minimally effective and many varieties of high quality Mexican drug Cannabis were continually available. Many of the hybrid strains grown domestic ally today originated in the mountains of Mexico. In recent years, however, the Mexican government (with monetary backing by the United States) began an intensive pro gram to eradicate Cannabis through the aerial spraying of herbicides such as Paraquat. Their program was effective, and high quality Mexican Cannabis is now rarely available. It is ironic that the NIMH (National Institute of Mental Health) is using domestic Mexican Cannabis strains grown in Mississippi as the pharmaceutical research product for chemotherapy and glaucoma patients. In the prime of Mexican marijuana cultivation from the early 1960s to the middle 1970s, strains or "brands" of Cannabis were usually affixed with the name of the state or area where they were grown. Hence names like "Chiapan," "Guerreran," "Nayarit," "Michoacan," "Oaxacan," and "Sinaloan" have geo graphic origins behind their common names and mean something to this very day. All of these areas are Pacific coastal states extending in order from Sinaloa in the north at 27; through Nayarit, Jalisco, Michoacan, Guerrero, and Oaxaca; to Chiapas in the south at 15 - All of these states stretch from the coast into the mountains where Cannabis is grown.
Strains from Michoacan, Guerrero, and Oaxaca were the most common and a few comments may be ventured about each and about Mexican strains in general.
Mexican strains are thought of as tall, upright plants of moderate to large size with light to dark green, large leaves. The leaves are made up of long, medium width, moderately serrated leaflets arranged in a circular array. The plants mature relatively early in comparison to strains from Colombia or Thailand and produce many long floral clusters with a high calyx-to-leaf ratio and highly cerebral psychoactivity. Michoacan strains tend to have very slender leaves and a very high calyx-to-leaf ratio as do Guerreran strains, but Oaxacan strains tend to be broader-leafed, often with leafier floral clusters. Oaxacan strains are generally the largest and grow vigorously, while Michoacan strains are smaller and more delicate. Guerreran strains are often short and develop long, upright lower limbs. Seeds from most Mexican strains are fairly large, ovoid, and slightly flattened with a light colored grey or brown, unmottled perianth. Smaller, darker, more mottled seeds have appeared in Mexican marijuana during recent years. This may indicate that hybridization is taking place in Mexico, possibly with introduced seed from the largest seed source in the world, Colombia. No commercial seeded Cannabis crops are free from hybridization and great variation may occur in the offspring. More recently, large amounts of hybrid domestic seed have been introduced into Mexico. It is not uncommon to find Thai and Afghani phenotypes in recent shipments of Cannabis from Mexico.
k) Nepal - (26 to 30 north latitude)
Most Cannabis in Nepal occurs in wild stands high in the Himalayan foothills (up to 3,200 meters [10,000 feet]). Little Cannabis is cultivated, and it is from select wild plants that most Nepalese hashish and marijuana originate. Nepalese plants are usually tall and thin with long, slightly branched limbs. The long, thin flowering tops are very aromatic and reminiscent of the finest fresh "temple ball" and "finger" hashish hand-rubbed from wild plants. Resin production is abundant and psychoactivity is high Few Nepalese strains have appeared in domestic Cannabis crops but they do seem to make strong hybrids with strains from domestic sources and Thailand. m) South Africa - (22 to 35 south latitude)
Dagga of South Africa is highly acclaimed. Most seeds have been collected from marijuana shipments in Europe. Some are very early-maturing (September in northern latitudes) and sweet smelling. The stretched light green floral clusters and sweet aroma are comparable to Thai strains.
n) Southeast Asia - Cambodia, Laos, Thailand and Vietnam (10 to 20 north latitude)
Since American troops first returned from the war in Vietnam, the Cambodian, Laotian, Thai, and Vietnamese strains have been regarded as some of the very finest in the world. Currently most Southeast Asian Cannabis is produced in northern and eastern Thailand. Until recent times, Cannabis farming has been a cottage industry of the northern mountain areas and each family grew a small garden. The pride of a farmer in his crop was reflected in the high quality and seedless nature of each carefully wrapped Thai stick. Due largely to the craving of Americans for exotic marijuana, Cannabis cultivation has become a big business in Thailand and many farmers are growing large fields of lower quality Cannabis in the eastern lowlands. It is suspected that other Cannabis strains, brought to Thailand to replenish local strains and begin large plantations, may have hybridized with original Thai strains and altered the resultant genetics. Also, wild stands of Cannabis may now be cut and dried for export.
Strains from Thailand are characterized by tall meandering growth of the main stalk and limbs and fairly extensive branching. The leaves are often very large with 9 to 11 long, slender, coarsely serrated leaflets arranged in a drooping hand like array. The Thai refer to them as "alligator tails" and the name is certainly appropriate.
Most Thai strains are very late-maturing and subject to hermaphrodism. It is not understood whether strains from Thailand turn hermaphrodite as a reaction to the extremes of northern temperate weather or if they have a genetically controlled tendency towards hermaphrodism. To the dismay of many cultivators and researchers, Thai strains mature late, flower slowly, and ripen unevenly. Retarded floral development and apparent disregard for changes in photoperiod and weather may have given rise to the story that Cannabis plants in Thailand live and bear flowers for years. Despite these shortcomings, Thai strains are very psychoactive and many hybrid crosses have been made with rapidly maturing strains, such as Mexican and Hindu Kush, in a successful attempt to create early-maturing hybrids of high psychoactivity and characteristic Thai sweet, citrus taste. The calyxes of Thai strains are very large, as are the seeds and other anatomical features, leading to the misconception that strains may be polyploid. No natural polyploidy has been discovered in any strains of Cannabis though no one has ever taken the time to look thoroughly. The seeds are very large, ovoid, slightly flattened, and light brown or tan in color. The perianth is never mottled or striped except at the base. Greenhouses prove to be the best way to mature stubborn Thai strains in temperate climes.
Prohibition Era Ganja and the Rise of Cannabis Use In USA
Special thanks to member "Barnyard" here is a great article from "The Consumers Union Report on Licit and Illicit Drugs" written by Edward M. Brecher and the Editors of Consumer Reports Magazine, 1972.
"It was a change in the laws rather than a change in the drug or in human nature that stimulated the large-scale marketing of marijuana for recreational use in the United States. Not until the Eighteenth Amendment and the Volstead Act of 1920 raised the price of alcoholic beverages and made them less convenient to secure and inferior in quality did a substantial commercial trade in marijuana for recreational use spring up.
Evidence for such a trade comes from New York City, where marijuana "tea pads" were established about 1920. They resembled opium dens or speakeasies except that prices were very low; a man could get high for a quarter on marijuana smoked in the pad, or for even less if he bought the marijuana at the door and took it away to smoke. Most of the marijuana, it was said, was harvested from supplies growing wild on Staten Island or in New Jersey and other nearby states; marijuana and hashish imported from North Africa were more potent and cost more. These tea pads were tolerated by the city, much as alcohol speakeasies were tolerated. By the 1930s there were said to be 500 of them in New York City alone.
In 1926 the New Orleans Item and Morning Tribune, two newspapers under common ownership, published highly sensational exposes of the "menace" of marijuana. They reported that it was coming into New Orleans from Havana, Tampico, and Vera Cruz in large quantities, plus smaller amounts from Texas. "In one day, ten sailors were followed from the time they left their ships until they delivered their respective packages of the drug to a particular block in the Vieux Carre." The sailors, it was said, bought marijuana in the Mexican ports for $10 or $12 per kilogram (2.2 pounds) and sold it in the Vieux Carre for $35 to $50. This was far more profitable than smuggling a comparable weight of whiskey.
Much of the smuggled marijuana was smoked in New Orleans; but some, it was said, was shipped up the Mississippi and "found its way as far north as Cleveland, Ohio, where a well-known physician said it was smoked in one of the exclusive men's clubs."
In New Orleans, the reporters in 1926 laid particular stress on the smoking of marijuana by children. "It was definitely ascertained that school children of 44 schools (only a few of these were high schools) were smoking 'mootas.' Verifications came in by the hundreds from harassed parents, teachers, neighborhood pastors, priests, welfare workers and club women.... The Waif's Home, at this time, was reputedly full of children, both white and colored, who had been brought in under the influence of the drug. Marijuana cigarettes could be bought almost as readily as sandwiches. Their cost was two for a quarter. The children solved the problem of cost by pooling pennies among the members of a group and then passing the cigarettes from one to another, all the puffs being carefully counted."
A Louisiana law passed in 1927, after the newspaper expose, provided a maximum penalty of a $500 fine or six months' imprisonment for possession or sale of marijuana. There followed "a wholesale arrest of more than 150 persons. Approximately one hundred underworld dives, soft drink establishments, night clubs, grocery stores, and private homes were searched in the police raids. Addicts, hardened criminals, gangsters, women of the streets, sailors of all nationalities, bootleggers, boys and girls?? many flashily dressed in silks and furs, others in working clothes all were rounded up in the net which Captain Smith and his squad had set."
The newspaper investigation, the new law, and the heavily publicized police roundups did not, however, accomplish their purpose. On the contrary, according to Commissioner of Public Safety Frank Gomila, during the next few years New Orleans "experienced a crime wave which unquestionably was greatly aggravated by the influence of this drug habit. Payroll and bank guards were doubled, but this did not prevent some of the most spectacular hold-ups in the history of the city. Youngsters known to be 'muggle-heads' fortified themselves with the narcotic and proceeded to shoot down police, bank clerks and casual bystanders. Mr. Eugene Stanley, at that time District Attorney, declared that many of the crimes in New Orleans and the South were thus committed by criminals who relied on the drug to give them a false courage and freedom from restraint. Dr. George Roeling, Coroner, reported that of 450 prisoners investigated, 125 were confirmed users of marihuana. Mr. W. B. Graham, State Narcotic Officer, declared in 1936 that 60 percent of the crimes committed in New Orleans were by marihuana users."
Intensive patrolling of the New Orleans harbor tended to curb imports; but Louisianans were little inconvenienced by the smuggling curbs; they simply began to grow their own marijuana. "The first large growing crop in the city was found in 1930 and its value estimated at $35,000 to $50,000.... In 1936 about 1,200 pounds of bulk weed were seized along with considerable quantities of cigarettes. On one farm, 5-1/2 tons were destroyed and other farms yielded cultivated areas of about 10 acres....
One resident of the city was found growing 100 large plants in his backyard." The net effect of eleven years of vigorous law enforcement was summed up by Commissioner Gomila in 1938: "Cigarettes are hard to get and are selling at 30 to 40 cents apiece, which is a relatively high price and a particularly good indication of the effectiveness of the present control." 11 Marijuana smoking, in short, had become endemic in New Orleans?? and remains endemic today. What years of law enforcement had accomplished was to raise the price from two for 25 cents to 30 cents or 40 cents apiece?? and even this increase might be attributable in part to inflation.
In Colorado, the Denver News launched a similar series of sensational marijuana exposes following the pattern set in New Orleans. Mexican laborers imported to till the Colorado beet-sugar fields, it seems, had found Prohibition alcohol very expensive and so had resorted instead to marijuana, bringing their supplies north with them. A Colorado law against marijuana was duly passed in 1929
submitted by ivoryarrow504 to VintageTrees [link] [comments]

Government Gang

My name 3.1415 some might recognize me as Time Cube, the Joker, AQ, QA, AI, RA! I am everything and nothing at all...
These are my personal hypothetical opinions, beliefs, thoughts, and concerns. I DO NOT associate or affiliate myself with ANY organization, society, group, gang, and/or as a sovereign citizen, and/or Q.
I stand alone with my hypothetical opinions, beliefs, thoughts, and concerns. I choose to share my opinion bc I have freedom of speech....
It has been brought to my attention through various sources, that the United States Federal Government also know as the US government agency/organization is an illegal Terrorist organization also known as a GANG who is committing genocide against its people.
Below you will find the definition/classification of a Gang as stated on the official Department of Justice government page. I will list several real-life examples for each step of the definition. As you continue reading you will eventually come across the 10 steps of Genocide and real-world examples of each step getting hypothetically committed by the US government.
Definition of Gangs: (1) an association of three or more individuals—
3 distinct branches of the government: a. Executive b. Legislative c. Judicial **The president falls under the executive category, he is the leader of the gang. The Executive branch enforces the law. ANY previous president will fall under this category.
**The legislative branch, also known as Congress, includes the Senate (upper branch) and the House of Representatives (lower branch). They write the laws. ANY member of Congress, the senate, and/or the House of Representative can be classified as part of the government gang association.
**The judicial branch is elected by the President and the Senate. The senate is responsible for interpreting the law. I must mention this is highly concerning, because would this not be a conflict of interest, since the judicial branch who interprets the written laws, are elected by their peers and people they know, who then judge them?
The executive, legislative make up the Gang of Eight!!! The Gang of Eight is made up of 4 red members and four blue members a.k.a. Republicans and Democrats. They are the Presidents intelligence advisors. They write most of the laws. They are part of Congress, which is part of the legislative branch,but they are also briefed on classified intelligence matters by the executive branch.
• The Gang of Eight includes: • Adam Schiff - blue affiliation... • Devin Nunes - red affiliation... • Richard Burr - red • Mark Warner - blue • Nancy Pelosi - blue • Kevin McCarthy - red • Mitch McConnell - red • Charles Schumer - blue
 •Red or Blue Affiliation? That sounds like something a gang would do...The government sound like they are the leaders of the Bloods(red) and Crips(blue). Why? How? Simple, they control the IRS, which also controls the entertainment industry, who has many famous rappers who are affiliated with gangs including the Bloods and Crips. These rappers have connections in the streets and their hometowns. This is how they get intel from the streets. Since rappers are famous they can report back to governors and even the president..(sunglasses...). 
The CIA alleged involvement in the Nicaraguan Contras' cocaine trafficking operations during the 1980s...(government giving gangs drugs and guns— involvement in areas of interests to gain profit and control).
• Technically there could also be a third category which would be considered a gray category. The gray category either support neither side or supports both sides equally.
• We have now established that the United States Federal Government is an association of three or more individuals, which are hidden or broken down into 3 distinct branches, to fool you into thinking that they don’t belong to the same tree...They even admit to being a “Gang of Eight.”
2) Whose members collectively identify themselves by adopting a group identity which they use to create an atmosphere of fear or intimidation frequently by employing one or more of the following: A common name, slogan, identifying sign, symbol, tattoo or other physical marking, style or color of clothing, hairstyle, hand sign or graffiti—
• A. The United States Government has many distinct colors (gray, red, blue— the same colors the pyros and Crips use) symbols, slogans, and uses intimidation and hate speech almost daily during political speeches.
• B. Symbols: Donkey, Elephant, Train, Triangle...
• C. Slogans include: “Trump Train,” “Make America Great Again,” “Integrity. Trust.” “Build Back Better.”
• D. Wearing rings—for example, specific rings that belong to a particular football team or society. The Secret Service wears, suits, sunglasses, and shaved hair. Hats or slicked back hair (think banker) could also be an example of an identifying piece of clothing or hairstyle.
• E. There are many, many, many different examples and ways that they use symbolism, slogans, intimidation, colors, Etc.
(3) The association's purpose, in part, is to engage in criminal activity and the association uses violence or intimidation to further its criminal objectives—
• The US Government’s purpose, form, and structure are found in the US Constitution preamble it clearly states,
“To establish justice ensure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our prosperity.”
• The government uses many intimidation tactics including political speeches and using Hate Speech within political rallies (examples in genocide section). They threaten people with jail, if these “laws” are broken. This causes fear especially for individuals facing deportation or the death penalty. How can the government send people to jail and take away their “rights” if they themselves are hypothetically breaking laws and could face very serious consequences....?
• The government leads the people through fear and intimidation with the purpose to further their government agenda also known as agenda 21...or shall I call it the New World Order of total control over the general public nationwide and eventually worldwide....🦉
• I can give many more examples of hate speech and intimidation tactics if needed.
(4) Its members engage in criminal activity, or acts of juvenile delinquency that if committed by an adult would be crimes—
• Politicians engage in many criminal activities through their status, initiations into societies, businesses, and most importantly banks...this includes: money laundering through the IRS advertisement collection agency that promotes sexuality in young children (complete control of entertainment industry), so they may profit from it, (see provided link to separate post for proof).
• The government gives out guns and drugs to certain gangs and organizations in major inner cities, which would be illegal.
• They provoke protesters and rioters by placing things out as they have done in the summer.
• Would you consider war a crime? I consider war a crime because it is killing people unnecessarily. War is simply another term used to justify the government’s purpose or agenda to gain a profit and advantage over an area of interest, so they can further their criminal objectives.
• Fertilizers and pesticides are promoted and used to eradicate the Coca plant aka cocaine from growing in the United States. While simultaneously allowing it to grow in a different country and working together with them to transport and distribute the drugs to earn a payoff and stimulate the economy. They not only profit through drugs, and war (military), but also through selling and promoting pesticides.
• This is not only killing many insects including butterflies and bees, but is also hurting us as a whole population. Pesticides, herbicides, and even fertilizers contain radioactive components, poisoning us slowly and damaging our dna..
• The Coca eradication and made up “war on drugs” can be found in the laws written within the “Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1988.” They admit to using pesticides and herbicides for Coca eradication and war to gain control and to profit from it. They even mention within the act, if all drugs are legalized, it means the war on drugs failed and they have been defeated....
• This would also fall under category number three and six, because they are using fear and intimidation to gain a profit through war and by sending we the people to jail and putting them on probation with government fines, if caught with the drugs they distribute through their criminal objectives from which they profit from; (They are supposed to be protecting us, not taking our money and sending us to jail if we don’t follow their government gang rules...).
• The “Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1988” also contains many laws about controversial topics such as the death penalty, guns, and animal and makeup testing...
(5) With the intent to enhance or preserve the association's power, reputation, or economic resources—
• In an attempt to preserve the government association’s power, reputation, and economic resources. They put many laws in place and ensure that if broken, the individual goes to jail.
• The IRS and Federal Reserve illegally take money from the people. Every year, tax dollars are collected by the IRS and transferred into the Federal Reserve, who distributes the money. This is done to preserve the economy by allowing the IRS to control the entertainment industry which pushes children to be sexual, it also pushes drugs, guns, money, and war through its media companies.
• The best possible example I can think of is keeping both adults and children addicted to nicotine using the tobacco companies. Everyone knows cigarettes kill you. The government allows the cigarette corporations, like Philip Morris USA, to get away with murder. The courts always seem to close a blind a to the tobacco corporations. Why? Because it makes them a very large profit and simultaneously makes people sick, who then see a Doctor who prescribes them pharmaceuticals, which makes the government even more profit, since they control the laws and corporations....
• This is written in my own words but if needed be I can provide sources, laws, and examples..
**I must also mention that the majority of the WORLD has an iodine deficiency!!! The governments are ALL fully aware of this! Iodine salt is a mineral the the body NEEDS but does not produce. A deficiency causes many problems including depression and thyroid problems...the thyroid regulates hormones in the body and a deficiency would cause many different kinds of mental and physical problems in the body leading to diseases. The pharmaceutical industry uses this deficiency to their advantage to profit, by prescribing individuals more pills, that’s cause more problems, plus more pills to fix new problem, equals lots of control and profit for government, since they “regulate” everything....
Yes, many, many food contain salt, but it’s too much of the wrong type of salt (regular table salt) being consumed causing more problems.. on top of that sugary foods and drinks are in abundance and heavily promoted.
CANCER thrives in an sugary and acidic environment, but HATES ALKALINE and salty and cannot survive. Sugar feeds cancer. Iodized salt makes your body alkaline meaning cancer can’t survive....
Only take a small sprinkle a day for at least 6 weeks (too much of anything is bad) and if it gives you a headache at first, mix it with a pinch of sea salt. ALWAYS remember to DRINK a lot of WATER. They give you a saline IV with salt water at the hospital after all....but don’t forget to drink PURIFIED H20, to much fluoride is also a poison..I must mention I am NOT a DOCTOR. I am simply sharing my opinion and conclusion to my research of Iodine deficiency...**
(6) The association may also possess some of the following characteristics:
• (a) The members employ rules for joining and operating within the association. Individuals must have certain qualifications such as being a male to join certain societies, having graduated high school and/or having a college degree, must be at least 25-35 years old to hold certain positions within government, must be naturalized citizen born in country to become president,etc...
• b) The members meet on a recurring basis; Congress meets, the Gang of Eight and Presidents congregate, and the presidents also meets with his advisors...
• (c) The association provides physical protection of its members from other criminals and gangs military protects against attacks including mobs/protesters
• The government puts gang members in jail and keeps heavy tabs on them... • Why? They do not want the other gangs, for example, the Bloods and the Crips, to overpower them, bc they unite and could potentially become much bigger and more powerful than the government gang itself...
• The US Government also has the military in place, which serves to protect us, but in reality is tearing families apart and sending them to a war organized by a government gang, not for the people’s welfare, but for their own gain.
• The US government military could hypothetically be classified as a gang. Why? Because of the different ranks they have, the rules and hey follow, the clothing they wear to identify themselves and metals they receive for completing certain missions successfully, allowing them to gain a higher rank.
• Police officers a.k.a. government workers also fall under the same category as the military. They believe their job is to protect the people from crime, drugs, money, other gangs, mobs or protesters, but in reality they are the foot soldiers for government gang and help further their deadly agenda without being aware...
• Let me ask you this...Over the summer there were many Black Lives Matter protest going on and the military and police stepped in and arrested and killed many of the protesters even if they were peaceful. It’s ultimately a set up for failure.
• Why you may ask...because the government uses major issues such as race, abortion, or other belief systems to split the people apart by turning them against one another by using media to make certain issues like color a big deal.
• Anyone who chooses to protest in favor of the targeted group (like race or other minorities) gets labeled a terrorist, because they are protesters and protesters could be considered a mob and a mob could be classified as a gang and a gang would be a terrorist group.
• This is why suddenly everyone gets arrested even if they are not doing anything wrong. They are exercising their first amendment—freedom of speech. They are standing up for what they believe in, yet get punished in the process. It is a set up for failure.
• Most libertarians and free thinkers are labeled as bad (terrorist), and thus have no more real power or so they want you to think, because suddenly you have a criminal record where you’re labeled as a terrorist..
• I must also clarify...DO NOT associate yourself as a Sovereign citizen, because the FBI classifies them as terrorists. This is ironic, because the government themselves are a gang, that could hypothetically be classified as a terrorist organization. Individuals should not be listening to terrorists...
• (d) The association seeks to exercise control over a particular location or region, or it may simply defend its perceived interests against rivals—some of the perceived interests or rivals of the United States government would be Iraq or Iran.
• It seeks control and views is as an area of interest creating many wars, for the oil and land, which can be used as profit for the government.
• The gain achieved through war and oil from Iraq or Iran could be classified as a perceived interest for the government.
• Other perceived areas of interest for the US government, would be American Samoa, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands. At one point, the United States had issues with them, until they got their hands on them and put them under their control. It was one of their many perceived areas of interests, that would push the agenda and allow them to gain more profit.
• They were successful. These islands, especially Puerto Rico, also contain the IRS headquarters. This is bad and illegal. They are laundering money and also traffic children into these areas for the international sex ring.
• The IRS in Puerto Rico is NOT legally part of the 50 states, so they fall under different laws making them illegal, but also hypothetically allowing the government gang to easily launder money (and children) out of the country.(See other post in comments for laws proving why they are illegal).
• (e) The association has an identifiable structure. Clearly, the US government gang has an identifiable structure, form, and purpose, which are outlined in my above statements. I have identified the government structure meaning it also falls under the definition and classification of a gang....
• (7) This definition is not intended to include traditional organized crime groups such as La Cosa Nostra, groups that fall within the Department's definition of "international organized crime," drug trafficking organizations or terrorist organizations.
• The Government(s) could (hypothetically) be classified as terrorist organization or gang, breaking its own constitutional laws and hurting millions of people daily by poisoning them, fraudulently stealing their money, and misleading them through media to gradually gain absolute control. while making them unlawful own country but because Since, the Federal Reserve is a privately owned charity, that works together with foreign banks overseas, it could also be classified as an international organized crime and would fall under those definitions...
Below are the 10 different steps of genocide. I also provide several examples of how the United States government is hypothetically committing genocide against its people. They should be held accountable....
The 10 steps of genocide as committed by the American Government...
• 1. Identify the signs of classification—Societies, cultures, and the government (Politicians/presidential debate) tend to divide people into different groups such as ethnicity, race, religion, nationality, social class.
• Listen for Us and/(vs.) Them thinking! Groupthink...We and Others.
• Classification divides the society and causes power struggles within perceived targeted groups.
• They discourage individual thinking in favor of conformity, for example, social media platforms are a Hive Mind.”
• African-Americans, Caucasians, Asians, Indians, etc... 14 different races were mentioned in the 1980s US census races. This is an artificial census category and not a meaningful racial and ethnic or ancestral designation.
• The rainbow does not see color, what is color?!?!?!? Why classify someone’s color the rainbow asked? It creates chaos, and breaks the beautiful rainbow apart! It wouldn’t be a beautiful rainbow if the colors didn’t merge together as one...
• The rainbow sees that every living/non-living creature shares the same chaotic universal DNA sequences. We are all the same, because we all share one thing in common DNA!The different random DNA sequences, is what made everyone so special and unique in their own way ...(see post).
• Some more examples of categorization would be social classes such as referring to individual as rich, middle-class, poor, wealthy, educated (degree), type of occupation, membership within a hierarchy, and/or specific sub culture, social network, capitalist, white collar, blue collar, the cycle of poverty, etc.....
  1. Recognize the signs of symbolization. For example, non-Jewish Germans really just means Germans, Jewish Germans equals Jews, both lived in Germany and had citizenship. So why classify them? It created many problems like World War I & II...Short names such as “gypsy” or “Japs” are also considered classified categories.
• Organizations like the government or gangs identify themselves by clothing or specific colors and tattoos to distinguish themselves. For example, MAGA clothing, wearing a MAGA hat in public or showing political support for Trump or Biden by having their stickers up and wearing their hats or shirts or even having political signs in the yard. This could be classified as propaganda. Propaganda is illegal...
  1. Identify signs of discrimination by using laws and political power to deny rights, including revoking citizenship, requiring passes for travel, banning certain groups the right to vote. This includes not allowing certain professions to vote and/or banning rehabilitated felons the right to vote. Our minorities are being incarcerated, they have harsher sentencing terms and police profiling...
  2. Dehumanization of powerless groups. “Rights” are taken away and the quality of life rapidly declines.
• The coronavirus caused many problems including loosing work/closing jobs and not allowing the individuals to work or go to school. This caused millions of Americans to lose lots of money including their savings, declining their quality of life within months...Some more examples of powerless groups can also be animals, vermin, or diseases (COVID19/poising land/wateindividuals through radioactive and fluoride contamination). Animals would fall under this category, because of animal testing which is also mentioned in the “Anti-Drug Abuse Act it 1988.”
• If anybody wants to see any laws that have to do with animal rights, death penalty, and wars it’s all written and mentioned in the act. Many of the major issues are hidden within that bill....
• Hateful language is used in political rallies, speeches, TV, radio, and media. Specific wording used to hide implications. For example, “purification” and “ethnic cleansing” describe extermination of certain minority groups.
• Some might recognize this as the “great awakening” or “the awakening.” Being “woke” is a bad thing and you don’t want to be woke....
• The Department of Justice mandating the use of illegal aliens instead of undocumented immigrants. Donald Trump uses words such as “rapists”, “animals”, and “criminal aliens”, while talking about undocumented immigrants. This would could be hypothetically classified as not only dehumanization, but also hate speech and categorizing into groups.
  1. Identify signs of organization—Genocide is a group crime therefore requires planning and organization. State group and elites, and control the regime and make plans to fund and train troops in special units that eventually carry out genocide.
• A “final solution” plan to exterminate the victim groups are started. Forces are formed using third-party militias, so the state or controlling group can maintain liability after implementing atrocities that are later carried out. (A reaction with delayed consequences (reaction)).
• Informal organization by recruiting of youth militants which are led by local militants decentralized.
• Organization by forming terrorist groups or cells that operate independently. An example of this would be any state department or charities hence the federal reserve is a charity...(see linked posts).
  1. Identify the signs of polarization— Increases in propaganda and violence, (Happening currently). Laws are passed cementing us and/vs. them...for example, the United States government is against China and also the US government building a wall in between the Texas and Mexico border. This is an excellent example of us and them thinking.
• Banning forms of association such as marriage for certain groups of individuals (gay marriage).
• Hate speech rallies and demonstrations held would talk under this category. Independent news sources that are not sponsored or run by state are discredited and boycotted or band. Moderators are silenced by dominant group. COVID-19 and election propaganda show increases in violence, fear, and control..
  1. Identify signs of preparation— Goals are identified as “cleansing,” “purification,” or “counterterrorism.” It could also be identified as the “awakening” or “the great awakening.” I cannot stress enough that being “woke” is a bad thing, unless you use it to change the system for the better.. being “woke” is leading us down a very dark path we do NOT want to experience.... Propaganda is employed heavily. They indoctrinate the population to fear the victim or target group. Supplies and weapons stockpiled and military production ramped up.
  2. Identify signs of persecution—Death lists are made. Victims of the persecuted groups are separated out by their symbolic identifiers.
• Properties and possessions and guns are seized by controlling groups (see laws und in Act of 1988 describing the search and seizure laws...). Relocation to camps, ghettos or famine struck areas, forcing labor and/or starvation.
• COVID-19 (only 3 steps away from agenda 21....) promoting and forcing vaccines on everyone. Massacres cures and killings happens sporadically.
• When (individuals/protesters/minority groups) attempted to rebel, escape, or riot, you are sent to jail or locked in the house like during COVID19. The Christianity pledge could also fall under this category.
  1. Identify signs of extermination—Relocation of victim groups begins and mass killings become genocide legally committed by the government.
• The government is funded or sponsored by state armed forces, who carry out Government genocide. They work with local militias in an attempt to hide or mask their involvement.
• Methods to expodite and automate killings are employed. For example, mass graves built during the COVID-19 and the virus itself (population control—kill of weak first). It could even be considered world genocide because we all know all the governments are connected through the banking systems.
***Hello Queen Elizabeth and Rothschild, I see and hear you loud and clear!!!! We all know you guys control the world and the USA through your money laundering charity banks, land, and hypothetical government constitution..🗝👑🦋🗝
• Mass destruction of entire communities of indigenous people and other minorities. Ethnocide.
  1. Identify signs of denial—Happens during and after a genocide along with an effort to cover up the enemies.
• Group leaders will continue to govern even if at fault, unless they are driven from power.
• perpetrators of genocide will only face justice if they are pursued by forces with a strong political will!!!
•Responsible people will flee and hide if caught by international tribunes or others.
In the comments below will be several links to different sources. Please wake up America! Please wake up World! The world could be different! :): Truth🦄 GloballyTogether💜
submitted by CatEyes420 to conspiracy [link] [comments]

Utah's Mormonism is The Deep State

TL;DR - A Colonial Military Cult Disguised As a Religion Saved the Failed USA Then Nepotistically Grew To Become The Modern USA's $100 Billion Dollar Regime: 42 Facts.

  1. After the 8 year long revolutionary war ended in 1783, the "United States of America" still faltered countless times in the coming decades. Easterly landlocked colonial territories outlined on paper as "States" could not come together as "One Nation". Different military's, militias, brotherhoods, factions, factions within factions, slavery and counterfeit money bred constant chaos. For many periods over those following decades attacks from Great Britain, Spain, France, Mexico and the warring Indian tribes they supplied meant the easterly landlocked territories were doomed to be conquered by one nation or another. (Even Russia had a trade presence on the west coast) Year in and year out, every day and every night, every primitive, easterly landlocked, colonial territory's survival was threatened. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)
  2. The Nation needed to expand West to save Freedom but the unorganized military was spread too thin. Some settlers made progress with peaceful Native American tribes yet wagon trains of settlers who dared to venture West were still violently slaughtered by warring Indian tribes. Young, old, no one was spared. Stories of the violent massacres kept many settlers held up in the landlocked territories. Other's fled back to England. Still others came. (1) (2)
  3. The guiding hand of a centuries old Scottish Brotherhood can be seen throughout the USA's founding decades. Known founding fathers George Washington (1732-1799), Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790), Paul Revere (1735-1818), John Hancock (1736-1793) and others were members of the Brotherhood's different factions within factions spread across the territories. Hidden history reveals so much more about these founding fathers than many know. For example, George Washington still owned 300 slaves upon his death. Paul Revere was a master of metals and an entrepreneur and his clients included the US Government (1) (2). Dynamic Oligarch, Governor, Inventor and swimmer Benjamin Franklin (1) (2) might one day go down in history as a colonial version of Bruce Wayne/Batman. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5))
  4. Faraway on the other side of the globe, during the same time the revolutionary war was going on, England's Captain James Cook, a global explorer and close associate of the Brotherhood, led the discovery of what would become Hawaii. He saw firsthand how polygamy could grow a nation quickly. Word of the native island people and their bounty of ancestral legends, ocean going stories and treasure traveled around the globe and throughout the Brotherhood's ranks on both sides of the Atlantic. Among the native's Cook and his crew were first revered as immortals but about a year later Cook was attacked and killed as an imposter. This did not phase other explorers and visitors. Travel by ship to the islands became so familiar during colonial times that when conquering Hawaiian King Kamehameha passed away his drunken son LihoLiho, who carried the King's title in name only, traded away a substantial portion of the island's treasures for a yacht built by a Salem, Massachusetts family prominent in seafaring, politics and the military (Crowninshield). After the yacht reached the islands in 1820 it was extensively and expensively remodeled under LihoLiho's orders. It suspiciously sank in a Kauai bay less than two years later and LihoLiho suspiciously died on a peculiar, ill fated trip to Great Britain in 1824. (1) (2) (3)
  5. In the failing US Territories of the late 1700's and early 1800's, patriotic leaders prayed and planned and searched for ways to save the failed Nation. Guidance was sought. Plans were constantly suggested and evaluated. Different members of the Brotherhood secretly suggested laying the foundation for a massive religious following built by polygamy to successfully pave the way West so the failed Nation could expand and be saved.
  6. During this critical time, at least 14 stories of different people having similar "religious" experiences popped up around the territories. None of them created a great following. (1)
  7. During the 34 years spanning 1787-1821, the US's first 24 easterly landlocked states were formed on paper. However, 61% of these states were formed during the first 16 years of that period. For the last 18 years of that period, the pace of forming states had come to a violent halt with only 7 being formed. The chaotic territory known on paper as the "USA" was on the doorstep of imminent failure and what would become a quarter century blight where only two more states would be formed on paper. (1821-1845) (1)
  8. That 1821-1845 time period coincidentally also covers 99.9% of the time that the published, foundational beginnings of "Mormonism" occurred. 1820 is the published year of Joseph Smith's First Vision. 1847 is the published year Brigham Young strategically ordered his west coast bound following to suddenly stop in Mexico Territory at an enormous salt filled lake smack dab in the center of the American continent's untamed West. Even though it was in Mexico Territory at the time, the location of this Great Salt Lake was perfectly centralized in the continent's West and could serve as the doorstep to how the West could be won. Over the next 20 years after Brigham Young's arrival an estimated 60,000-70,000 faithful pioneers would follow. Many were followers of Mormonism. Many practiced polygamy. Many would be sent in all direction of the West to faithfully colonize strategic territories and pave the way for the Nation's armies (1).
  9. For nearly 195 years, Mormonism has surreptitiously weaved historical claims about a man named "Martin Harris" (1783-1875). Mormonism claims Harris was a humble farmer who's greedy wife left him after he mortgaged their family farm to faithfully pay today's equivalent of hundreds of thousands of dollars for the first publishing of the boy Joseph Smith's "The Book of Mormon" and that shortly after that economic failure and other critical founding roles Harris lost faith in Mormonism but later rejoined Mormonism in Utah at the very end of his 92 year long life. (1)) (2) Hidden history reveals that these claims about Harris ARE EXACTLY HOW HE WANTED IT. The purveyors of Mormonism go to great lengths to perpetuate these myths about Harris even today. If you don't accept the boy "Joseph Smith" as a child prophet who grew into a man prophet, Harris' purveyors of Mormonism want you to hate Joseph Smith as an impossible genius-con artist-pedophile so you fail to see the truth of who Harris really was and what Harris really did.
  10. "History is written by the victor" and the past two centuries demonstrate that Harris definitely was the victor. This is because in reality Harris' "greedy wife" "Lucy" was actually his child cousin. Yes she was a child. Yes she was his first cousin. She was 15 and he was 25 when he forced her to marry him. Yet within Mormonism story after story leaves this critical detail out. Additionally for one reason or another Lucy became partially deaf over the next 20 years. There is also at least one report that in addition to sexually abusing this child Harris also physically abused her. This is an indication of Harris' proclivity to control children. Harris eventually fathered 6 children) through Lucy's nubile womb. 28 years later and after being physically separated from Harris for years, Lucy suspiciously died at the age of 42. Weeks later then 52 year old Harris married 21 year old Caroline Young. A niece of Brigham Young. He fathered 7 children through here nubile womb.
  11. Like the Crowninshield's and other influential families throughout critical parts of the chaotic New England territories, The Harris family was also wealthy, well connected and zealously patriotic. With his father Nathan Harris, and his brothers (Emer and Preserved) Martin controlled hundreds of productive acres in the Palmyra, New York region with complex operations producing a river of revenue from livestock and linen. Martin Harris' father Nathan Harris and mother Rhoda Lapham Harris originally moved the Harris family to the Palmyra, New York area in 1796, 20 years before the poverty stricken Smith's would arrive practically on Harris' doorstep. (1) (For the Sum of $3000 By Susan Easton Black)
  12. The white linen Martin produced was so exceptional that he won several awards for it. Since Mormonism's beginning days, the wearing of multiple layers of white clothing has been expected of followers. For decades manufacturing this clothing and selling it to followers has been a secret, multi-million dollar industry for Mormonism. The white clothing includes under garments for daily wear by males and females as well as outer garments for wear in private ceremonies. (For the Sum of $3000 By Susan Easton Black)
  13. Harris was a zealous patriot. At 29 years old, four years after forcing his child cousin to marry him, he began regularly leaving his life of power, wealth and marriage as a "Harris" to regularly fight during the 3 years of "The War of 1812". ( "The War of 1812" was actually "The War of 1812-1815".) Harris was recognized as a leader and an honored war veteran at war's end. As an honored war veteran, is it safe to suggest that he became familiar with killing in the name of patriotism as wars require of brave men and women (1) ?
  14. Harris was a convincing story teller. He once got people to donate money for what he claimed would be used to support the Christian Greeks fighting the Turks. He also claimed Jesus appeared to him in the form of a deer and walked with him for a couple miles. He also claimed an incident regarding a flickering candle was the work of the devil. (1) (2))
  15. After the War of 1812, the well respected, wealthy, influential, honored, 33 year old Martin Harris was nominated to be "Road Overseer" in the Palmyra region. A position he controlled for the next 7 years. This included the 7 years it took to finally construct New England's Eerie Canal.
  16. The dynamic Harris was an influential supporter of the Eerie Canal and it's possible route. Harris made sure the route passed by he and his father's lands. This would expand their river of cash and operations to the eastern territories in exponential ways. This river of cash would be used by many to finance business and patriotic endeavors in the failed Nation. (1) Prior to the Eerie Canal "New York" was way down on the list of in-demand territorial ports. Historical economist's acknowledge that the Eerie Canal made New York the leading port and global economic powerhouse that it has been for nearly two centuries.
  17. The boy Joseph Smith Jr. was born December 23, 1805. The poverty stricken Smith family relocated 8 times in the chaotic New England area during Joseph's Smith Jr.'s first 10 years. If they were in Europe they may have been referred to as "gypsys". With Great Britain's latest attack and eventual retreat underway after the War of 1812, the Smith family with it's many sons of working age moved to Palmyra in 1816 in search of work on the controversial, to be built "Eerie Canal". (To this day, published Mormon history acts as if the Eerie Canal doesn't exist.)
  18. During these colonial decades, almost 1 in 5 children did not survive their first year. The Smith family was no exception. Although some children are not listed here in 1816 the living and to-be-born members of Smith family included Joseph Smith Sr. (father, 45, d. 1840), Lucy Mack Smith (Mother, 41, d. 1856), Alvin Smith (son, 18, d. 1823), Hyrum Smith (son, 16, d. 1844), Sophronia (daughter, 13, d. 1876), Joseph Smith Jr. (son, 10, d. 1844), Samuel Smith (son, 8 d. 1844), William Smith (son, 5, d. 1894), Katherine Smith (daughter, 3, d. 1900), Don Carlos (son, newborn, d. 1841). Lucy Smith would be born 5 years later, d. 1882). Shortly after arriving in the Palmyra region, the poverty stricken, uneducated Smith family took over a primitive cabin less than 1 mile from Harris's lands that bordered the future route of Eerie Canal. This was the Smith family's 8th move in Joseph Smith Jr.'s 10 years. After moving so many times, they absolutely moved here to gain work on the Eerie Canal. This move would be the families last. Mother Lucy Smith would bury all but one Smith male during the first 25 years of Mormonism's beginnings. (1)
  19. Harris was 22 years older than Joseph Smith. As a well known, wealthy local and "Road Overseer" who regularly hired local boys and men to work on his own lands, Harris met the Smith family with it's many sons around 1816 when Smith's moved to Palmyra. Harris did not live within 1 mile of the Smith family for 8 or 10 years before meeting them as Mormon history weaves. Harris likely learned of the arrival of the Smith family within days of their arrival to Palmyra through longtime Palmyra residents including the resident who owned the tiny primitive cabin the large Smith family moved into. (For the Sum of $3000 By Susan Easton Black, map, page 6)
  20. Within published Mormonism there are also conflicting accounts spanning three violent chaotic colonial years when Martin Harris met "Joseph Smith". Some accounts claim it was 1824, some claim it was 1827. This would have been when Joseph Smith was 18...or 21. Another ignored, critical discrepancy. (1) (2)
  21. In the early 1800, as years of chaotic uncertainty unfolded, for one reason or another Harris appropriated the Brotherhood's patriotic goals for the Nation for himself. Among other things he knew of the other religious experiences told by others around the territories. (Harris would eventually become related by marriage to one of the story tellers). Harris saw that a young mans voice was needed for a following to catch on. For that, the powerful Harris chose a young many to be a voice of his own. This voice was that of 18 year old Alvin Smith). However, as Harris laid the ground work for his patriotic cause over the next 4 years, headstrong Alvin resisted. Because Hyrum was also older than 18 after those 4 years and like Alvin would have been privy to some of the Brotherhood's publishing's and ceremonies that Harris borrowed (or stole) from, Harris skipped choosing Hyrum as a potential "voice" and chose Joseph, the dynamic, naïve, uneducated, friendly, 14 year old boy who walked with a limp. This is now the year 1820 and is when the boy Joseph's published stories begin. 4 years later though, Alvin was engaged to be married and saw potential for the Smith's without their dependence on the Harris' for work. He began to interfere with the powerful Harris' grooming and temptations of the impressionable Joseph. With the fate of the Nation at stake and no more time to find another voice amid Joseph's waiverings growing ever more critical as he too approached the age of 18, the wealthy, zealous, altruistic, powerful, patriotic Harris ordered Alvin's murder . It was just four and a half weeks before Joseph's 18th birthday. After Alvin's death, Harris used threats towards other Smith family members to ensure Joseph would not waiver. Fearing for the rest of his family and now 3 year old little Lucy, and with no "911" to call and no one else to come to their aid, 17 year old Joseph and the rest of the Smith family would become Harris' emotional hostages for the next two decades. Just like Harris had done with his child cousin who he forced to marry him, Harris had gained control of the boy Joseph and the Smiths.
  22. The powerful Harris, his father and their faction, ("The Men Who Visit") continued freely catalyzing Mormonism and the Book of Mormon from the Brotherhood's materials. They also used materials from forced and unforced sources including authors of 6 previous publications (#3). In their zeal, with their power, influence and use of violence they were able to greatly reduce the prominence of the publications they borrowed and stole from.
  23. Mormonism's publishings indicate "The Book of Mormon" was originally a 30-60 pound heavy stack of gold plates discovered in a sealed box under a boulder and that the box also included a sword (The Sword of Laban), a spherical compass (The Liahona) and a breast plate with a pair of primitive glasses attached to it. Publishing's indicate that translation of the engraved writings on the plates occurred by Joseph Smith without him looking at the plates but instead by Joseph wearing the Urim and Thummim and iterating out loud the words that appeared to him. If he didn't want to use the plates, he could also use a black stone he had been led to. If he didn't want to use the black stone, he could use a white stone he already had. (1). A scribe who was either his first wife Emma, Martin Harris, David Whitmer or Oliver Cowdery. (2)
  24. Harris' reputation for being wealthy was well known enough that in 1833 he was sued and jailed for $1000 (what some would say is today's economic equivalent of $500,000) by a young woman for publicly saying she had a "bastard child". In that day women couldn't sue a man alone so the suit was brought by a male friend of the woman. Harris posted bail and left. The suit was quietly dismissed under the claim that the woman was already "scandalous" prior to her claims against the well known Harris. (Link available by download through google search "the imprisonment of Martin Harris").
  25. During the following years under Harris control, naive Joseph resisted at times. Joseph tried to break free at times. Joseph sought funding for his own militia. Joseph spoke in code to his militia. As a victim, out of survival or as an eventual participant, Joseph absolutely made mistakes.
  26. A city was built around Mormonism. Harris and his endless river of cash and connections from the Eerie Canal was never far away. Day by day Harris' barges on the Eerie Canal sent one fortune of goods after another to the eastern territories. At the port of New York, the empty barges were loaded with immigrants grateful to have some place inland to go. Stories of the American Bible gave them something to believe in. For one reason or another, many of these early male, female and child immigrants were from Scotland...
  27. Harris and his faction forced Joseph to claim that 24 different angels appeared to Joseph including Adam, Moses, Noah and other biblical characters.
  28. Harris' self-fulfilling prophecy involving patriotically well-connected aristocrats Charles Anthon, Luther Bradish and Samuel L. Mitchell. Note that Bradish was a literary agent of profound, well educated early American author James Fenimore Cooper. Cooper is the author of "The Leatherstocking Tales", "The Last of the Mohicans" and other known titles. Cooper was also a midshipman in the US Navy who was very familiar with the working of ocean vessels. Like Benjamin Franklin, Cooper was known for his intellect and occasionally mischievous creativity. (1) "The Book of Mormon" contains ocean going stories (1) (2). Like Harris, Bradish also fought in the "War of 1812". These are just a few of the critical circles of influence needed to catalyze something like "The Book of Mormon" and Mormonism and to see it through to fruition while minimizing and eliminating obstacles along the way. These are the kind of critical circles of influence that a naive, uneducated, poor, handicapped, gypsy boy from a new-to-the-neighborhood family just did not have.
  29. In 1844, with thousands of immigrant and American born followers spread across many New England territories and elsewhere, Harris secretly ordered Joseph to began preparations to lead Mormonism's followers from Nauvoo into the West to save the failed USA. Instead, the naive Joseph believed he could save the failed USA by becoming President of the USA himself. Believing he was finally too powerful for Harris to kill him, Joseph publicly announced his campaign for President of the USA. With no time to spare, the zealous, patriotic Harris immediately ordered the murder of Joseph Smith and two of his three remaining brothers. Within weeks of Joseph's presidential announcement Joseph and his older brother Hyrum were arrested and killed within days (June 27, 1844). With thousands of followers, his own militia and the bounties of an entire growing city at his fingertips, Joseph allowed himself to be arrested believing that he and Harris would reconcile. After Joseph and Hyrum's murder however, in an insidious taunt to other less heinous factions who's attempts failed to gain a following and to remove all obstacles at seeing his own faction's plans through, Harris ordered the murder of younger brother Samuel Smith 33 days later (July 30, 1844). The number 33 is significant within the Brotherhood. For one reason or another Harris spared the Smith females (Mother Lucy Mack, daughter's Sophronia, Katherine, Lucy) and the youngest living Smith son at the time William. In all, 6 Smith male family members including Alvin (murder), Joseph Smith Sr. (suspicious), Don Carlos (illness), Hyrum (murder), Joseph (murder) and Samuel (murder) died during the Lord's careful "Restoration of the Gospel".
  30. After Joseph's unbelievable, tragic and violent murder Mormonism split into multiple groups with several different leaders emerging. Some believed in polygamy some didn't. 1) Brigham eventually led the majority into the West. 2) Joseph's family and first wife Emma stayed in Nauvoo. 3) Other followers went to Philadelphia. 4) Others went on a ship to sail to the continent's west coast with Samuel Brannan (who pulled a page from Benjamin Franklin's book of propaganda and sensationalism and started the gold rush of 1849 by publishing reports of gold in the area in eastern markets. Brannan is recognized by many as the west coast's first millionaire although not from "gold". Like many others in Mormonism's founding days publishings indicate Brannan was also eventually "exiled" from Mormonism). 5) Other's followed James Strange (Strange was Harris' back up plan in case Brigham was killed or failed. Strange led a following to northern territories on the Great Lakes. Harris was never far away from Strange. Strange eventually also produced "writings" from plates he claimed he was led to. (Harris is noted within Mormon history as being responsible for "losing" 116 pages of writings Joseph produced). Strange was murdered 9 years after Brigham Young stopped his following at the salt lake in the center of the West and the West was won.
  31. During this period other people would mysteriously die or disappear. Harris and/or people claiming to be associated with the US Government were never far away. (1)
  32. Within two years of Mormonism conquering the West, US states started being formed on paper again. This ended the quarter century blight that began shortly before Mormonism's founding days. (1)
  33. When it came time for Brigham Young to commission a statue to commemorate Mormonism's settling of "Salt Lake City" and to be placed at the entrance to his expansive "Utah Territory" property instead of choosing an angel Moroni, a figure of Joseph, or anything related to Mormonism he chose an eagle on top of a 5-pointed star. This statue commemorating the "Gate for the Eagle" became known as "The Eagles Gate". These symbols acknowledged the conquering of the American continent's West by Freemasonry under the banner of the USA. Although the "Eagle" has always been highly visible, the "Star" is seldom mentioned publicly but is clearly visible in person and in many images. This Star is also used throughout Mormonism's early ecclesiastical buildings. Note that in the 1970's some groups with nefarious purposes adopted the 5-pointed star ("pentagram") as a purported satanic symbol however among different uses related to the USA, it had been used for over a century to also represent the rising Eastern Star.
  34. Between his 15 year old child cousin bride Lucy (10 years his junior) and his mysterious bride Caroline (29 years his junior), Martin Harris fathered 13 living children through the two females nubile wombs. Today there are 13 secret corporations that control Mormonism's $100 billion dollars.
  35. Images of Martin Harris in his later years (1870) show him holding a staff with a serpant's head. 116 years before, Benjamin Franklin used a serpant as patriotic imagery (1754).
  36. Although images of just about everyone else in Mormonism's founding days exist, Mormonism maintains that no images of Joseph Smith exist. Instead, they elect to use handsome cartoon renderings of Joseph Smith that generate millions of dollars in revenue every year. This is while Mormonism also ignores reports of at least one photograph and forensic science that indicates a less sensationalized image of Joseph Smith. Naturally, this image also demonstrates more family semblance with Alvin Smith than the cartoon images do.
  37. Of all figures in Mormonism's beginnings the grave marker of the forgotten Martin Harris is by far the most substantial. Joseph Smith doesn't even have his own marker. His is shared with his brother Hyrum and his first wife Emma even though Emma married a non-Mormon on Joseph Smith's birthday 3 years later. Mormonism goes to great lengths to hide Emma's marriage to a non-mormon after Joseph's murder especially with the critical role of Emma that has been weaved throughout Mormonism and the translation.
  38. Polygamy openly continued for over 60 years before being renounced so Utah could officially become a State. Polygamy continued privately for decades and continues still in many ways due to Mormonism maintaining spiritual polygamy.
  39. Mormonism openly practicing racism until 1978.
  40. Nepotistic connections through blood or marriage existed throughout Mormonism's founding days with the 3 witnesses and the 8 witnesses and continues today. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5). Note that of the "3 Witnesses" Martin Harris was one. One was also a "Whitmer". 4 of the "8 Witnesses" were Whitmer's. "Hyrum Page" of the "8 Witnesses" was married to a Whitmer. Joseph Smith's father and two brothers make up the rest of the "8". All most all of the witnesses eventually left Mormonism but out of fear of retribution from Harris' faction they never recanted their stories or roles in Mormonism.
  41. Today Mormonism is a nepotistic (1) (2) (3) (4) $150 Billion tax-free corporation masquerading as a "religion". It owns influential roles in companies you know and use everyday. $100 Billion of that ill-gotten wealth places Mormonism among the top 5 of the largest cash reserves in the USA. Additional billions are held in real estate development (one example), media control (NBC-UTAH), the USA's largest cattle producer, the USA's largest nut producer, Universities in Utah, Idaho and Hawaii (BYU) and billions of dollars more in tax free capital raising buildings disguised as chapels, temples and other "ecclesiastical" buildings. Even though Mormonism continues to have lie after lie revealed about it, it maintains disturbing nepotistic control over the State of Utah and it's political, legal, municipal, educational and media offices as well as it's global at-risk "volunteer" force of tens of thousands of teenagers).
  42. If Mormonism doesn't seem like an insidious regime yet this link should make it perfectly clear.

This all means that Today, Utah's population of 3 million people and millions of others around the globe are subject to a nepotistic, evil regime and are in DESPERATE need of rescue by the Federal Government.
"Save Utah Save The Nation"
submitted by VoxChiasmus to conspiracy [link] [comments]

Constitution, Government Gang, & Genocide

Government Gang I am everything and nothing at all...
I am a concerned individual, who has read my laws and acts and have came to the following conclusions...(listed below) My question is, if my interpretation of the “rules” aka laws are correct then, everyone involved needs to be held accountable through the court of law... If my interpretation of the laws are incorrect, then I would like a full explanation as to why I should believe the government with sources. I simply want to make sure I am interpreting the laws correctly, so I can properly follow them.
These are my personal hypothetical opinions, beliefs, thoughts, and concerns. I DO NOT associate or affiliate myself with ANY organization, society, group, gang, and/or as a sovereign citizen, and/or Q.
I stand alone with my hypothetical opinions, beliefs, thoughts, and concerns. I choose to share my opinion bc I have freedom of speech....
The constitution does not define what it specifically means by “principle.” Aka it’s values. It merely states the individual principles as a whole aka “our bill of rights” and defines laws under them, but not once defines, what specific “principle” they ment for you to use while interpreting these principles or laws...this means I can interpret it how I like, regardless of how many laws there are, bc they did not specify which definition of the word “principles” they meant. It can have several definitions and meanings, so how do I know how to properly interpret it? It doesn’t specify.... It all seems to be an “act” just like all the “bills” that get written...
It has also been brought to my attention through various sources, that the United States Federal Government also know as the US government agency/organization is an illegal Terrorist organization also known as a GANG who is committing genocide against its people.
Below you will find the definition/classification of a Gang as stated on the official Department of Justice government page (your own page...). I will list several real-life examples for each step of the definition. As you continue reading you will eventually come across the 10 steps of Genocide and real-world examples of each step getting hypothetically committed by the US government.
Definition of Gangs: (1) an association of three or more individuals—
3 distinct branches of the government: a. Executive b. Legislative c. Judicial **The president falls under the executive category, he is the leader of the gang. The Executive branch enforces the law. ANY previous president will fall under this category.
**The legislative branch, also known as Congress, includes the Senate (upper branch) and the House of Representatives (lower branch). They write the laws. ANY member of Congress, the senate, and/or the House of Representative can be classified as part of the government gang association.
**The judicial branch is elected by the President and the Senate. The senate is responsible for interpreting the law. I must mention this is highly concerning, because would this not be a conflict of interest, since the judicial branch who interprets the written laws, are elected by their peers and people they know, who then judge them?
The executive, legislative make up the Gang of Eight!!! The Gang of Eight is made up of 4 red members and four blue members a.k.a. Republicans and Democrats. They are the Presidents intelligence advisors. They write most of the laws. They are part of Congress, which is part of the legislative branch,but they are also briefed on classified intelligence matters by the executive branch.
• The Gang of Eight includes: • Adam Schiff - blue affiliation... • Devin Nunes - red affiliation... • Richard Burr - red • Mark Warner - blue • Nancy Pelosi - blue • Kevin McCarthy - red • Mitch McConnell - red • Charles Schumer - blue
 •Red or Blue Affiliation? That sounds like something a gang would do...The government sound like they are the leaders of the Bloods(red) and Crips(blue). Why? How? Simple, they control the IRS, which also controls the entertainment industry, who has many famous rappers who are affiliated with gangs including the Bloods and Crips. These rappers have connections in the streets and their hometowns. This is how they get intel from the streets. Since rappers are famous they can report back to governors and even the president..(sunglasses...). 
The CIA alleged involvement in the Nicaraguan Contras' cocaine trafficking operations during the 1980s...(government giving gangs drugs and guns— involvement in areas of interests to gain profit and control).
• Technically there could also be a third category which would be considered a gray or white category. The gray or white category either support neither side or supports both sides equally.
• We have now established that the United States Federal Government is an association of three or more individuals, which are hidden or broken down into 3 distinct branches, to fool you into thinking that they don’t belong to the same tree...They even admit to being a “Gang of Eight.”
2) Whose members collectively identify themselves by adopting a group identity which they use to create an atmosphere of fear or intimidation frequently by employing one or more of the following: A common name, slogan, identifying sign, symbol, tattoo or other physical marking, style or color of clothing, hairstyle, hand sign or graffiti—
• A. The United States Government has many distinct colors (gray, red, blue— the same colors the pyros and Crips use) symbols, slogans, and uses intimidation and hate speech almost daily during political speeches.
• B. Symbols: Donkey, Elephant, Train, Triangle...
• C. Slogans include: “Trump Train,” “Make America Great Again,” “Integrity. Trust.” “Build Back Better.”
• D. Wearing rings—for example, specific rings that belong to a particular football team or society. The Secret Service wears, suits, sunglasses, and shaved hair. Hats or slicked back hair (think banker) could also be an example of an identifying piece of clothing or hairstyle.
• E. There are many, many, many different examples and ways that they use symbolism, slogans, intimidation, colors, Etc.
(3) The association's purpose, in part, is to engage in criminal activity and the association uses violence or intimidation to further its criminal objectives—
• The US Government’s purpose, form, and structure are found in the US Constitution preamble it clearly states,
“To establish justice ensure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our prosperity.”
• The government uses many intimidation tactics including political speeches and using Hate Speech within political rallies (examples in genocide section). They threaten people with jail, if these “laws” are broken. This causes fear especially for individuals facing deportation or the death penalty. How can the government send people to jail and take away their “rights” if they themselves are hypothetically breaking laws and could face very serious consequences....?
• The government leads the people through fear and intimidation with the purpose to further their government agenda also known as agenda 21...or shall I call it the New World Order of total control over the general public nationwide and eventually worldwide....🦉
• I can give many more examples of hate speech and intimidation tactics if needed.
(4) Its members engage in criminal activity, or acts of juvenile delinquency that if committed by an adult would be crimes—
• Politicians engage in many criminal activities through their status, initiations into societies, businesses, and most importantly banks...this includes: money laundering through the IRS advertisement collection agency that promotes sexuality in young children (complete control of entertainment industry), so they may profit from it, (see provided link to separate post for proof).
• The government gives out guns and drugs to certain gangs and organizations in major inner cities, which would be illegal.
• They provoke protesters and rioters by placing things out as they have done in the summer.
• Would you consider war a crime? I consider war a crime because it is killing people unnecessarily. War is simply another term used to justify the government’s purpose or agenda to gain a profit and advantage over an area of interest, so they can further their criminal objectives.
• Fertilizers and pesticides are promoted and used to eradicate the Coca plant aka cocaine from growing in the United States. While simultaneously allowing it to grow in a different country and working together with them to transport and distribute the drugs to earn a payoff and stimulate the economy. They not only profit through drugs, and war (military), but also through selling and promoting pesticides.
• This is not only killing many insects including butterflies and bees, but is also hurting us as a whole population. Pesticides, herbicides, and even fertilizers contain radioactive components, poisoning us slowly and damaging our dna..
• The Coca eradication and made up “war on drugs” can be found in the laws written within the “Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1988.” They admit to using pesticides and herbicides for Coca eradication and war to gain control and to profit from it. They even mention within the act, if all drugs are legalized, it means the war on drugs failed and they have been defeated....
• This would also fall under category number three and six, because they are using fear and intimidation to gain a profit through war and by sending we the people to jail and putting them on probation with government fines, if caught with the drugs they distribute through their criminal objectives from which they profit from; (They are supposed to be protecting us, not taking our money and sending us to jail if we don’t follow their government gang rules...).
• The “Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1988” also contains many laws about controversial topics such as the death penalty, guns, and animal and makeup testing...
(5) With the intent to enhance or preserve the association's power, reputation, or economic resources—
• In an attempt to preserve the government association’s power, reputation, and economic resources. They put many laws in place and ensure that if broken, the individual goes to jail.
• The IRS and Federal Reserve illegally take money from the people. Every year, tax dollars are collected by the IRS and transferred into the Federal Reserve, who distributes the money. This is done to preserve the economy by allowing the IRS to control the entertainment industry which pushes children to be sexual, it also pushes drugs, guns, money, and war through its media companies.
• The best possible example I can think of is keeping both adults and children addicted to nicotine using the tobacco companies. Everyone knows cigarettes kill you. The government allows the cigarette corporations, like Philip Morris USA, to get away with murder. The courts always seem to close a blind a to the tobacco corporations. Why? Because it makes them a very large profit and simultaneously makes people sick, who then see a Doctor who prescribes them pharmaceuticals, which makes the government even more profit, since they control the laws and corporations....
• This is written in my own words but if needed be I can provide sources, laws, and examples..
(6) The association may also possess some of the following characteristics:
• (a) The members employ rules for joining and operating within the association. Individuals must have certain qualifications such as being a male to join certain societies, having graduated high school and/or having a college degree, must be at least 25-35 years old to hold certain positions within government, must be naturalized citizen born in country to become president,etc...
• b) The members meet on a recurring basis; Congress meets, the Gang of Eight and Presidents congregate, and the presidents also meets with his advisors...
• (c) The association provides physical protection of its members from other criminals and gangs military protects against attacks including mobs/protesters
• The government puts gang members in jail and keeps heavy tabs on them... • Why? They do not want the other gangs, for example, the Bloods and the Crips, to overpower them, bc they unite and could potentially become much bigger and more powerful than the government gang itself...
• The US Government also has the military in place, which serves to protect us, but in reality is tearing families apart and sending them to a war organized by a government gang, not for the people’s welfare, but for their own gain.
• The US government military could hypothetically be classified as a gang. Why? Because of the different ranks they have, the rules and hey follow, the clothing they wear to identify themselves and metals they receive for completing certain missions successfully, allowing them to gain a higher rank.
• Police officers a.k.a. government workers also fall under the same category as the military. They believe their job is to protect the people from crime, drugs, money, other gangs, mobs or protesters, but in reality they are the foot soldiers for government gang and help further their deadly agenda without being aware...
• Let me ask you this...Over the summer there were many Black Lives Matter protest going on and the military and police stepped in and arrested and killed many of the protesters even if they were peaceful. It’s ultimately a set up for failure.
• Why you may ask...because the government uses major issues such as race, abortion, or other belief systems to split the people apart by turning them against one another by using media to make certain issues like color a big deal.
• Anyone who chooses to protest in favor of the targeted group (like race or other minorities) gets labeled a terrorist, because they are protesters and protesters could be considered a mob and a mob could be classified as a gang and a gang would be a terrorist group.
• This is why suddenly everyone gets arrested even if they are not doing anything wrong. They are exercising their first amendment—freedom of speech. They are standing up for what they believe in, yet get punished in the process. It is a set up for failure.
• Most libertarians and free thinkers are labeled as bad (terrorist), and thus have no more real power or so they want you to think, because suddenly you have a criminal record where you’re labeled as a terrorist..
• I must also clarify...DO NOT associate yourself as a Sovereign citizen, because the FBI classifies them as terrorists. This is ironic, because the government themselves are a gang, that could hypothetically be classified as a terrorist organization. Individuals should not be listening to terrorists...
• (d) The association seeks to exercise control over a particular location or region, or it may simply defend its perceived interests against rivals—some of the perceived interests or rivals of the United States government would be Iraq or Iran.
• It seeks control and views is as an area of interest creating many wars, for the oil and land, which can be used as profit for the government.
• The gain achieved through war and oil from Iraq or Iran could be classified as a perceived interest for the government.
• Other perceived areas of interest for the US government, would be American Samoa, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands. At one point, the United States had issues with them, until they got their hands on them and put them under their control. It was one of their many perceived areas of interests, that would push the agenda and allow them to gain more profit.
• They were successful. These islands, especially Puerto Rico, also contain the IRS headquarters. This is bad and illegal. They are laundering money and also traffic children into these areas for the international sex ring.
• The IRS in Puerto Rico is NOT legally part of the 50 states, so they fall under different laws making them illegal, but also hypothetically allowing the government gang to easily launder money (and children) out of the country.(See other post in comments for laws proving why they are illegal).
• (e) The association has an identifiable structure. Clearly, the US government gang has an identifiable structure, form, and purpose, which are outlined in my above statements. I have identified the government structure meaning it also falls under the definition and classification of a gang....
• (7) This definition is not intended to include traditional organized crime groups such as La Cosa Nostra, groups that fall within the Department's definition of "international organized crime," drug trafficking organizations or terrorist organizations.
• The Government(s) could (hypothetically) be classified as terrorist organization or gang, breaking its own constitutional laws and hurting millions of people daily by poisoning them, fraudulently stealing their money, and misleading them through media to gradually gain absolute control. while making them unlawful own country but because Since, the Federal Reserve is a privately owned charity, that works together with foreign banks overseas, it could also be classified as an international organized crime and would fall under those definitions...
Below are the 10 different steps of genocide. I also provide several examples of how the United States government is hypothetically committing genocide against its people. They should be held accountable....
The 10 steps of genocide as committed by the American Government...
• 1. Identify the signs of classification—Societies, cultures, and the government (Politicians/presidential debate) tend to divide people into different groups such as ethnicity, race, religion, nationality, social class.
• Listen for Us and/(vs.) Them thinking! Groupthink...We and Others.
• Classification divides the society and causes power struggles within perceived targeted groups.
• They discourage individual thinking in favor of conformity, for example, social media platforms are a Hive Mind.”
• African-Americans, Caucasians, Asians, Indians, etc... 14 different races were mentioned in the 1980s US census races. This is an artificial census category and not a meaningful racial and ethnic or ancestral designation.
• The rainbow does not see color, what is color?!?!?!? Why classify someone’s color the rainbow asked? It creates chaos, and breaks the beautiful rainbow apart! It wouldn’t be a beautiful rainbow if the colors didn’t merge together as one...
• The rainbow sees that every living/non-living creature shares the same chaotic universal DNA sequences. We are all the same, because we all share one thing in common DNA!The different random DNA sequences, is what made everyone so special and unique in their own way ...(see post).
• Some more examples of categorization would be social classes such as referring to individual as rich, middle-class, poor, wealthy, educated (degree), type of occupation, membership within a hierarchy, and/or specific sub culture, social network, capitalist, white collar, blue collar, the cycle of poverty, etc.....
  1. Recognize the signs of symbolization. For example, non-Jewish Germans really just means Germans, Jewish Germans equals Jews, both lived in Germany and had citizenship. So why classify them? It created many problems like World War I & II...Short names such as “gypsy” or “Japs” are also considered classified categories.
• Organizations like the government or gangs identify themselves by clothing or specific colors and tattoos to distinguish themselves. For example, MAGA clothing, wearing a MAGA hat in public or showing political support for Trump or Biden by having their stickers up and wearing their hats or shirts or even having political signs in the yard. This could be classified as propaganda. Propaganda is illegal...
  1. Identify signs of discrimination by using laws and political power to deny rights, including revoking citizenship, requiring passes for travel, banning certain groups the right to vote. This includes not allowing certain professions to vote and/or banning rehabilitated felons the right to vote. Our minorities are being incarcerated, they have harsher sentencing terms and police profiling...
  2. Dehumanization of powerless groups. “Rights” are taken away and the quality of life rapidly declines.
• The coronavirus caused many problems including loosing work/closing jobs and not allowing the individuals to work or go to school. This caused millions of Americans to lose lots of money including their savings, declining their quality of life within months...Some more examples of powerless groups can also be animals, vermin, or diseases (COVID19/poising land/wateindividuals through radioactive and fluoride contamination). Animals would fall under this category, because of animal testing which is also mentioned in the “Anti-Drug Abuse Act it 1988.”
• If anybody wants to see any laws that have to do with animal rights, death penalty, and wars it’s all written and mentioned in the act. Many of the major issues are hidden within that bill....
• Hateful language is used in political rallies, speeches, TV, radio, and media. Specific wording used to hide implications. For example, “purification” and “ethnic cleansing” describe extermination of certain minority groups.
• Some might recognize this as the “great awakening” or “the awakening.” Being “woke” is a bad thing and you don’t want to be woke....
• The Department of Justice mandating the use of illegal aliens instead of undocumented immigrants. Donald Trump uses words such as “rapists”, “animals”, and “criminal aliens”, while talking about undocumented immigrants. This would could be hypothetically classified as not only dehumanization, but also hate speech and categorizing into groups.
  1. Identify signs of organization—Genocide is a group crime therefore requires planning and organization. State group and elites, and control the regime and make plans to fund and train troops in special units that eventually carry out genocide.
• A “final solution” plan to exterminate the victim groups are started. Forces are formed using third-party militias, so the state or controlling group can maintain liability after implementing atrocities that are later carried out. (A reaction with delayed consequences (reaction)).
• Informal organization by recruiting of youth militants which are led by local militants decentralized.
• Organization by forming terrorist groups or cells that operate independently. An example of this would be any state department or charities hence the federal reserve is a charity...(see linked posts).
  1. Identify the signs of polarization— Increases in propaganda and violence, (Happening currently). Laws are passed cementing us and/vs. them...for example, the United States government is against China and also the US government building a wall in between the Texas and Mexico border. This is an excellent example of us and them thinking.
• Banning forms of association such as marriage for certain groups of individuals (gay marriage).
• Hate speech rallies and demonstrations held would talk under this category. Independent news sources that are not sponsored or run by state are discredited and boycotted or band. Moderators are silenced by dominant group. COVID-19 and election propaganda show increases in violence, fear, and control..
  1. Identify signs of preparation— Goals are identified as “cleansing,” “purification,” or “counterterrorism.” It could also be identified as the “awakening” or “the great awakening.” I cannot stress enough that being “woke” is a bad thing, unless you use it to change the system for the better.. being “woke” is leading us down a very dark path we do NOT want to experience.... Propaganda is employed heavily. They indoctrinate the population to fear the victim or target group. Supplies and weapons stockpiled and military production ramped up.
  2. Identify signs of persecution—Death lists are made. Victims of the persecuted groups are separated out by their symbolic identifiers.
• Properties and possessions and guns are seized by controlling groups (see laws und in Act of 1988 describing the search and seizure laws...). Relocation to camps, ghettos or famine struck areas, forcing labor and/or starvation.
• COVID-19 (only 3 steps away from agenda 21....) promoting and forcing vaccines on everyone. Massacres cures and killings happens sporadically.
• When (individuals/protesters/minority groups) attempted to rebel, escape, or riot, you are sent to jail or locked in the house like during COVID19. The Christianity pledge could also fall under this category.
  1. Identify signs of extermination—Relocation of victim groups begins and mass killings become genocide legally committed by the government.
• The government is funded or sponsored by state armed forces, who carry out Government genocide. They work with local militias in an attempt to hide or mask their involvement.
• Methods to expodite and automate killings are employed. For example, mass graves built during the COVID-19 and the virus itself (population control—kill of weak first). It could even be considered world genocide because we all know all the governments are connected through the banking systems.
***Hello Queen Elizabeth, Rothschild, and Vatican, I see and hear you loud and clear!!!! We all know you guys control the world and the USA through your money laundering charity banks, land, and hypothetical government constitution..🗝👑🦋🗝
• Mass destruction of entire communities of indigenous people and other minorities. Ethnocide.
  1. Identify signs of denial—Happens during and after a genocide along with an effort to cover up the enemies.
• Group leaders will continue to govern even if at fault, unless they are driven from power.
• perpetrators of genocide will only face justice if they are pursued by forces with a strong political will!!!
•Responsible people will flee and hide if caught by international tribunes or others.
So I ask you Department of Justice, is this okay? :): If you decide that the government should to be held accountable for their perceived actions, I am more than willing the represent we the people as a unity as a single entity.
Much love 💜🖤 and peace ✌️ I hope whomever reads this has a wonderful and positive day! 🦋
~Liberty 🗽 ~
Below will be several (not all) links to different sources:
submitted by CatEyes420 to Gangstalking [link] [comments]

The Annapurna Circuit: Trip report and guide (Intro and Part I)

Based on my July 2018 experience
This was not technically an ultralight backpacking trip. However, my experience on this trip was a catalyst to me switching over. I remember the clear difference between two fellow trekkers I met. One carrying 25kg of gear, the other only 7. The former I passed one day struggling up the trail despite him having several hours head start. He looked miserable. The latter never seemed as tired as I was and rarely stopped for breaks. My load was between the two but I wished it was much lighter.
This is also not a backpacking trip in the traditional sense. No tents or sleeping pads. Beds every night. You don’t cook your own food either. However, you could do those things on this trip as several other backpackers that I met attested. Regardless, it is an adventure that I think the ultralight community will appreciate as we all long to be back in the wilderness. Also worth noting: I am not sponsored by anyone. Any recommendation is simply based on my experience. No free gear was received in exchange for mentioning it. All of the links are for general information and are not affiliates of mine.
This is just part one of a two part series since I can't only post so much in one Reddit post. Look for part two to come out soon.
I've included several links to spreadsheets and photos:
1). Gear List. Includes gear I brought and its weight as well as what I’d bring now for comparison.
2). Cost breakdown. This is an itemized report of prices on the trek for housing, water, food, beer, transportation, and sunscreen.
3). Elevation and Distance. The third spreadsheet shares the rough distances between villages and communities along the trek along with elevation change.
4). Photos. Finally I’ve included a link to my website which has some of my favorite photos from the trip.
Please ask any questions you have. I’ll do my best to answer them. Hopefully by this fall some of you will be headed to Nepal for your own adventure!

This is a complete guide to trekking the Annapurna Circuit in the Himalayan mountains of Nepal. I did this with my partner in July of 2018 during one of two off-seasons. Summer (May-September) is the rainy season and the trek doesn’t see much traffic during this time. Winter (December-February) is the other off-season for obvious reasons.
I’ve divided this trip report into two main sections (it's two long to post in one post on Reddit). The first part talks about the general logistics such as how to get to the circuit and what you should bring. I will try to include as much exact information about what I actually brought as I can and then provide some commentary on what I’d change when I go back.
The second part will focus on a timeline of the trek. What towns did we stay in and what were they like? What were some of the things we saw along the way and what were the trail conditions? This part will basically be a long blog post about our trek divided by the villages we stayed at or passed through along the way.

Why the Annapurna Circuit and why July (arguably the worst time of year to go). I am not a mountaineer, rock climber, athlete, or otherwise elite outdoorsman. In fact, the Annapurna Circuit was really my first backpacking trip and still my longest one to date. I did, however, grow up camping and loving the outdoors and am an experienced day hiker. Travel is also something I have some experience in, having been through much of North America and over 30 other countries.
Over the past few years I’ve grown a love for photography and a desire to capture natural landscapes as I see and feel them. Combined with my passion for the outdoors and a mild case of wanderlust, I began creating an unofficial list of places I definitely want to visit in my lifetime. This list includes Patagonia, New Zealand’s Southern Alps, the Andes Mountains in Northern Peru, and the Himalayas.
In May of 2018, my partner and I quit our jobs and bought one way tickets to Singapore to start our first visit to the continent of Asia. I had researched the Himalayas enough to know that Nepal’s Annapurna Circuit, Annapurna Base Camp, and Everest Base Camp were probably the best options for first time trekkers with epic mountain scenery. However, we made no specific plans on when we would arrive in Nepal if at all on this trip.
Fast forward through our first month in the hot and humid SouthEast part of Asia, and I soon realized that the climate differences for a resident of dry temperate Northern California were more than I anticipated. Added to that were the vast cultural differences between western countries where most of my previous travel had been and that of many SouthEast Asian countries. I found myself longing for the cool familiarity of the mountains and Nepal seemed the right choice.
So one day we bought a ticket from Malaysia to Kathmandu, knowing we would arrive during the rainy season but figuring we should give it a shot. We landed on a hot July day in the rain and were soon greeted by the chaos of Kathmandu. Here we opted to spend five days exploring the city, eating good food, researching all the ins and outs of the treks, buying supplies, and determining the best trek for this time of year. We talked to local guides and foreign adventurers alike trying to gage whether we should attempt trekking at all this time of year.
Eventually, after receiving some mixed accounts, we decided to risk it and head out the next morning for the Annapurna Circuit. We heard from both ends of the spectrum including some vehement statements that we shouldn’t trek this time of year and other trekkers who had just finished and had a wonderful time. We knew that we could always turn around and come back if it felt too dangerous.

July is the middle of the monsoon season in Nepal. It’s also summer which means the lowlands are a steaming jungle and the mountains are often hidden in clouds. Due to the steep terrain, the land is prone to mudslides which can block roads and send vehicles down ravines. Leeches are also a problem at lower elevation which we soon found to be especially true when walking through dense foliage.
However, there are several benefits to trekking this time of year. Being the off -season there are far fewer tourists both in Kathmandu and on the trails. This means lower prices, easier to obtain rooms, and less crowding on the streets and trails. Along with the rain comes greenery. The flowers are in bloom and the trees are their greenest. The alpine hillsides are green as well, turning brown later in the year when trekking peaks. The nights don’t get as cold even at high altitude where guest houses are without heat, so fewer warm layers are required.
Of course, the dangers are real. Nepali people die every year in monsoon related road accidents and it's not uncommon for a few tourists to die as well. Delays are inevitable due to poor road conditions made worse by the rain. On the trail, many of the guest houses are not operating during the off season or may be more hesitant to welcome guests or have many food options. While crowds can create hassle, some comradery on the trail is welcome but much harder to find during the off-season.
NEXT TIME: Based on our experience, I wouldn’t change what we did. However, I would probably not go during this season again or necessarily recommend others to go during July. Instead I would opt for the end of the rainy season right before peak season (late September) or the end of the second trekking season right before the rainy season (late May).

Almost everything you need for your trek can be bought in Kathmandu. Prices are cheaper than in the west but the quality is lower and most stores sell knock-offs of the brands they claim to sell. The neighborhood of Thamel is the primary trekkers hub in Nepal’s capital city. Here you will find more shops than you can count offering new and used gear, from real name-brand stuff to cheap knock offs. If you are coming to Nepal as part of a longer trip that includes travel to much warmer countries (as we did), you might consider buying some of your gear in Kathmandu.
We bought two synthetic sleeping bags (rated -10C but probably only good down to freezing) for $25/each. We were offered supposedly 100% down rated -20C “waterproof” sleeping bags for $50/each but were glad we didn’t get them. I purchased a decent quality “North Face” jacket with synthetic down filling for $15 and “waterproof” shell for $15. Diamox (a medication for altitude sickness) and many other meds (Decadron, a steroid, and various antibiotics) can be purchased for about $1 for a week's supply and without a prescription. The quality and purity of these drugs is unknown. I would definitely bring my own backpack as you will want something better quality than what I saw available. Same with shoes (or boots, it doesn’t matter really but trail runners are more comfortable and do the job perfectly) as you want them broken in. Everything else could be bought in Kathmandu but you won’t find anything ultralight or top quality.
NEXT TIME: Since trekking I’ve learned a lot about the value of a light backpack and minimal (but sufficient) gear. If trekking in Nepal was the only aspect of my trip from the US, I would bring nearly all my own gear. Everything would be quality and as light as possible for the task. An ultralight down quilt, wool underclothes, a down puffy, a waterproof rain shell, and a quality lightweight backpack 50 liters or less. I think a sub 10 pound base weight is reasonable even with a heavy camera.

You are required to have a TIMS card and the Annapurna Conservation Area Permit to trek. There are plenty of good blogs online describing these so I won’t go into great detail. They can both be purchased at the Nepal Tourism Board about a 20 minute walk from Thamel. Each costs about 2000 rupee ($17) and during the off season there was very little wait. I was told that you can get them in Pokhara and Besi Sahar as well but can't confirm. Bring passport photos (they wanted 4 each from us) and your passport as well as travel insurance information (required, we used World Nomads). Keep your permits handy as there are frequent checkpoints on the trek.

Everything is cash in Nepal. Many places that have MasterCard and Visa plastered all over their storefront window or list online that they take credit cards. This is almost always inaccurate. I’m not sure why. Mobile data and wifi are generally available and it would be helpful for tourists even if it meant slightly higher prices. Also there is a feeling of dishonesty when a business clearly advertises one thing but practices another.
For the trek you should bring all the cash you need with you. There are no ATM’s from Besisahar to Jomsom. The ATM’s in Thamel, Kathmandu usually only allow 15-30k rupees per transaction (many banks have limitations as well). You will also likely pay a fee every time you withdraw money and probably not always get the best exchange rates. I estimate that I lost about 10% on every withdrawal between fees and bad exchange rates.
How much money you need on the trek depends a lot on how much time you plan to take and what “luxuries” you want. I read blogs before my own experience suggesting $25-35/day per person. By watching our budget and going in the off-season we spent closer to $15/person and could have been quite comfortable on $20. Beer ($2-5), hot showers ($2 when available), and western food (always more expensive than Nepali food) can quickly double that. Most snacks are cheaper in Kathmandu (with the exception of Manang) but then you have to carry them all that way. If you purify your own water you save a lot.
NEXT TIME: I would probably plan to spend a little bit more to make the journey more enjoyable. An occasional beer or more variety in food choices can really improve your day. Hot showers are definitely worth it if they are gas powered but probably not if solar (they don’t actually get hot). I would also take more time on the trek, thus increasing the amount of cash I needed. That being said: the 50,000 rupee I brought on this trek would still probably suffice. If you are going without a guide or a porter the trek is automatically going to be significantly cheaper than those with planned tours.

There are numerous options to do a guided trek including booking months in advance through large North American companies like G-Adventures or REI. For a more hassle free experience, this could be a good option. However, you definitely do not need a guide for the Annapurna Circuit. And I’ve read many stories of the guides being more trouble than they are worth.
The trek is super easy to follow with a map. Often because of the rain, we just followed the rough gravel and dirt road that nearly makes the entire circuit. During peak seasons, the trail looks very well marked and easy to follow. There are quite a few side trails, but these are easily avoided by referring to your map.
Porters are also unnecessary for nearly all trekkers, even those with guides. You need such minimal gear compared to backpacking in the wilderness or mountaineering, that your pack shouldn’t be an issue. I couldn’t believe how much stuff some people brought with them. My pack weight was over 30 pounds and 55 liters and I definitely saw a large number of much bulkier packs on the trail. Some people had a porter carrying a huge load for them on top of the oversized day pack on their own back.
Cost-wise hiring guides and porters would at least double your cost. Sure it helps provide jobs, but also may keep you from staying in that little unique guest house on the edge of town or spending an extra day somewhere that intrigues you. Guides will often direct you to stay at a specific guest house for which they get a commission even though there may be better options available. Some friends did Everest Base camp with a tour company later in 2018 and spend nearly 7 times what we did on our trek (there are no luxury hotel options on the trek and flights are not included in most tours). Having the independence to travel at your own pace and stay where you want, when you want is all something that money can’t buy.
NEXT TIME: I would definitely do this trek (also Annapurna and Everest Base Camps) on my own again. While there are some incredible guides with much knowledge and enjoyable personalities, the Annapurna Circuit is just too straight forward for me to justify needing one.

There are several options for trails maps. Maps are easily available in Kathmandu for about 400 rupee. These are fairly accurate and up to date. Look for one made the same year (or at least previous) as your trek date. If you buy a map in the US before traveling, it may be slightly less up to date. For example, we ended up with the September 2017 edition of Nepa Maps NA504 Around Annapurna. Now, over a year later, the latest edition I can find online is the 2014 edition.
A road that parallels the Circuit is rapidly being constructed and the trail is constantly being rerouted when its path is more desirable for the course of the road.
Free offline apps such as Maps.Me offer downloadable trail routes for the Annapurna Circuit. Other options such as Gaia can assist with terrain but I never used it. Another invaluable source that I used for information about stops along the way, distances between villages, and what to expect, was the Wikitravel Document on the Annapurna Circuit.
The main trail is marked with red and white trail markers that are fairly visible. Some of the trail simply follows the road which isn’t a bad walk during the off season. However, in high season the dust and frequent jeep traffic would make this option uninviting. Luckily, most of the way up the path there are alternative trail options which are often on the opposite side of the valley as the road. Since leeches love foliage, we opted for the foliage free road most of the way up but outside of the rainy season this shouldn’t be a problem.

CHARGERS: I would recommend bringing one universal adapter, preferably with multiple usb outlets in it. Outlets are hard to find and while some are universal, not all are. Some places charge you to use an outlet so being able to plug multiple devices into a single outlet saves you money. With my adapter I could charge my back up battery, phone, and camera all at once from one outlet.
PHOTO AND VIDEO: If you are a casual photographer just looking for some nice photos to show friends and family, I would recommend investing in a flagship smartphone or a Gopro rather than carrying the weight of even a small interchangeable lens camera. You just don't need all that extra weight unless you want significant zoom or professional quality large prints. The Go-pro is super light, takes decent 4k video, has image stabilization built in (much better video quality), is waterproof, and is tiny. Bring multiple batteries if you plan on a lot of videos. Also bring one SD card per day to reduce the risk of losing data.
I consider myself an advanced hobbyist when it comes to photography. Currently I use a Sony a7r II. I only brought one lens, the versatile Sony 24-240mm FE f3.5-6.5. If you are really serious I'd recommend a wide angle as well (16-35mm f2.8). This would especially be nice during drier weather when you can actually see the night sky for stargazing. The mountains are so vast and towering that a wide angle is really the only way to properly capture them without doing a panorama. I chose not to bring a tripod. If you are carrying your own gear it's a lot of extra weight to carry.
NEXT TIME: I’d bring the same camera set up and add a wide angle lens and an ultralight fold-up tripod. I would bring four batteries and probably an SD card for every other day. It’s a lot of weight but the photos are so worth it.
BACKUP POWER: I used a generic large backup battery charger with two usb ports. It was rated for 20k mAh but I don’t think that was accurate. My 10k mAh Anker is lighter and holds a similar charge . Whenever there wasn't charging available, I'd plug into this and when there was charging available I'd make sure it stayed charged. Even so I bought 4 batteries for my camera. One alternative, if going when the sun's out, is to rely on solar energy for charging.
MEMORY CARDS: I brought 8 memory cards including 4 micro SD and 4 regular. If I had to do it over I’d bring more. I had one scare where the camera said it wasn't writing the files correctly and when I went to flip back through them, I got error messages. I switched cards at that time and more frequently afterward. Turns out nothing was wrong but if you are a serious photographer you want to minimize risk of loss.
DRONES: This is a subject that has not been addressed in any other blogs I've read at all. Before going I watched numerous videos of people flying drones in the Himalayas. YouTube has several vloggers who have droned their treks and filmmakers who have made beautiful drone documentaries of these great mountains.
Unfortunately none of them address one serious problem, the Annapurna Conservatory at least (and possibly all of Nepal) has banned the use of drones without a permit (some say it's easy to get one, some say it's not). In some instances police have simply confiscated people's drones on the spot. In a country where one can hardly breathe in major cities due to dust and pollution, you'd think there would be greater issues than a couple of drones flying around. After consulting with some locals who saw my drone, I concluded that there is a significant risk that the police will take your device if they catch you. Many will find this a risk well worth taking and in some places there is limited police presence. The Annapurna Circuit has a surprisingly strong police presence in several towns (Chame for example) but not everywhere.
A drone is a lot of weight to carry if you don't feel comfortable using it for risk of having it taken. If you do plan to use it, either get a permit or exercise extreme caution and don't use it around villages or locals who might feel led to alert authorities. If you are a professional, just get the permit since your gear is likely worth a lot. If you are an amateur and want to risk it, bring a small, light drone that you can hide well if need be. I don't have specific information about getting permits, but it seems like the process isn't easy or quick.
OTHER: I brought a headlamp but never used it. For outhouse runs and power outages my phone served just fine though the headlamp would be much more convenient for longer periods of darkness. I would still recommend one.

If you want to pack super light, aren't serious about photography or filming, but want some nice shots to bring home, I'd bring a high-end Samsung Galaxy, iPhone or similar. Since I had camera gear, I ended up using a cheap Samsung J2 pro (picked up brand new in Malaysia for $125). It takes relatively bad photos and video but was really just used to post updates to my Instagram story during those rare WiFi moments.
It is easy to get a SIM card for your global compatible phone in Kathmandu and even at some locations on the trek. There are two main providers Nepal Telecom and NCELL. We went with the private company Ncell because we heard that they were faster. Unfortunately, we soon found they didn’t currently offer much coverage on the circuit. However, judging by the number of locals using their cell-phones I’m guessing Nepal Telecom offers better service up there. Data is inexpensive and definitely worth it for navigating Kathmandu.
NEXT TIME: I would go with Telecom as having some coverage is better than none at all. I would also bring a better phone with a better battery life. One less thing to worry about charging all the time if the battery lasts longer.

Drinking water can be purchased at quite regular intervals along the trail in 1 liter bottles of filtered safe water for 30-150 rupee/liter. However, this adds up quickly (2-4 liters/day) and is quite bad for the environment. Safe water filling stations are available in many towns during trekking season for 30-60 rupee/liter. These were all closed except Thorung Phedi when I trekked this July. Bringing a 1 liter bottle to refill should be plenty when the clean filling stations are all open.
Another method is to fill up from the numerous running water stations in towns and villages along the way. Some of these are running constantly and are quite clean (coming from the mountains upstream from the village). However a village further up the mountain, animal waste, or other contaminants could still get you sick. I met trekkers who drank this water without problems but I would not risk it. While it usually didn’t appear to need filtering, I would absolutely purify it first.
I brought chlorine tablets (over iodine because chlorine also kills a virus that is a common cause of water related stomach illnesses) and a Steripen. The Steripen uses ultraviolet rays to kill pathogens. It required a wide mouthed water bottle to use (won’t work with a Smart water bottle). Also any curves or hidden areas where the light might not reach the water can leave it unclean. Mine required two ca123 batteries (not common) and can only do about 50 liters/two batteries. I carried several extra batteries.
Some sort of water purification tablets were available in many stores along the way. With a method to purify water, you save money and plastic and can even get your water from a stream if needed. We found the chlorine tablets did make the water taste somewhat undesirable so you may want to bring some sort of water flavoring. Another option is the two step water treatment drops that take more time but are arguably the most effective against the most possible illnesses with the least negative effect on the flavor.
NEXT TIME: I would bring my Sawyer Mini and add chlorine tabs if the water seemed exceptionally sketchy which is rarely if ever did. The Sawyer Mini works with any lightweight water bottle or 1 liter filter bags which are light and easy to store.

You don’t need to bring any food from your home country (and probably shouldn’t). Snacks are available at steadily increasing prices and regular intervals as you head up the trail. Snickers, potato chips, sodas, cookies, nuts and granola bars were easy to find even in the off season. If you are on a strict budget you may want to find an inexpensive supply of snacks in Kathmandu before heading up. If you want fresh produce, you will likely have to purchase from Kathmandu or along the way as there is very little on the trek.
A helpful tip: snack prices in Manang oddly aren't much more than Kathmandu (Snickers only increased from 85 to 100 rupee despite bringing more than 150 rupees in earlier towns).
Healthy options are harder to come by. Certain times of the year you can get apples but not during the summer. Most meals included cooked vegetables grown fresh in the village. Every open lodge had food available. We generally avoided the meat due to limited safe storage options. We only had minor trouble with the food. Dal Bat is the traditional meal on the trek. Garlic soup is another popular one. We really enjoyed the Tibetan Bread with Honey for breakfast. If you are trying to eat low carb, good luck. Every meal is very high in carbs. Eating vegetarian is fairly easy to do.
NEXT TIME: We tried to eat a lot of Dal Bat as it was the least expensive way to get a lot of food. Often when you are very hungry, it just makes sense as they keep refilling your plate. However, I think it's worth spending a little more to eat more variety and change things up. With so many long days of trekking, it's a good way to keep up your morale.

We did not book a single place on the trek in advance. I had heard that during peak season places fill up and guest houses end up packing extra people in the common areas. This was not a problem during such a slow time of year. We had more of a problem finding that places were closed due to the lack of traffic. I would not recommend booking anything in advance. If you go during peak season just try to arrive early enough to find a good spot before they are all taken.
As numerous other blogs describe, the lodges are typically referred to as tea houses although to me this implies more of a small home stay. A few of the locations we stayed in were someone’s home with extra rooms for guests. Others were more like mini hotels in which a room or two was saved for the employees. They all had kitchens and dining rooms which appeared like great places to gather if we had had other guests to gather with. Most had wood burning stoves in the middle which would have been wonderful as we increased in altitude. However, it was not cold enough for them to justify burning precious wood for just a couple of trekkers.
In every village, we first walked through the entire village (most take 10 minutes to walk through) to see where we felt the most welcome. In some places like Chame, it was easy. A kind lady called out to us upon passing by and after seeing her rooms we realized they would be perfect. Other places, like Manang were larger and had more options to choose from. Here we actually looked at a couple of rooms that we just didn’t love before settling on one. A few villages had vastly differing prices (ranging from free to 700 rupees) so if you are on a budget it pays to shop around. During peak season you may not have this luxury and may just have to take what's available.
NEXT TIME: I would still not book anything ahead. I would look for places that were clean and comfortable. A shower isn’t necessary every night. And sometimes the best places are away from the main lodges. I would also try to stay in a few of the smaller villages that aren’t necessarily on the main trek. Most likely I would do this trek slower (and in better weather) so as to experience more of the culture and hopefully meet more trekkers to swap stories with along the way.

We went to BG Mall (400 rupee taxi ride north of Thamel) to get our bus directly to Besisahar where the trek begins. The taxi actually dropped us off at the Gongabu New Bus Station. However, upon asking around we were directed to the BG Mall around the corner.
There are mini buses (think minivans with way too many seats packed in them) going to Besisahar directly. While popular with tourists, these appeared cramped and uncomfortable to me. They also tie all the luggage outside on the top of the van so it ends up covered in exhaust and dust. One benefit is that these minibuses go direct and don't stop to pick up more passengers along the way. I've heard they run about 700 rupee.
We chose what we were told was a tourist bus. In reality it ran more like a local bus to Besisahar from BG Mall. We didn't buy tickets ahead but simply paid the driver 450 rupees each. We had our backpacks stored underneath, had our own seats, and the bus was never full. However, I think during peak season it would have been much more crowded. Even though we stopped to pick up passengers whenever we saw them, most of the delays were the terrible traffic jam coming out of Kathmandu (3-4 hour traffic jam. Even so, we made it to Besisahar by about 3pm (9 hours) without switching buses. There are supposedly non-stop “luxury” tourist buses available for a bit more. However, you won’t find anything that approaches the quality of buses available in South America or Europe.
As with all transportation in Nepal, be prepared for longer than expected journeys and over packed vehicles that wouldn’t be up to safety standards in the US. There probably won’t be air conditioning in the summer either. And the passengers tend to be quite loud the entire trip.
NEXT TIME: I would probably still risk buying a last minute ticket. That way I can assess the condition of the bus before purchasing. The mini-buses, while perhaps slightly faster, look way less enjoyable unless perhaps you have a large enough group to book the entire bus.

You don’t need as much gear as a normal backpacking trip. While some people do choose to wild camp, most stay at the tea houses. Even if you do camp, food is so readily available, there is no need to carry large amounts with you. Bringing a tent would allow you to wake up in some truly wild, remote locations without any other humans around. It would also require you bring a sleeping pad and a warmer sleeping bag.
All the tea houses had blankets. Extras were available if we were cold though this is not the case during peak season. I would at least bring a liner if not your own bag for cleanliness and extra warmth. I think a light 30 degree quilt would be fine unless you went in the winter. There’s no heat in the rooms, but I imagine they keep more warmth in than a tent would. The coldest mornings during the summer were below freezing, but not by much in our experience. Peak season is in the fall so it will be colder for sure.
I’d probably go with my SWD long haul 50 out of my current gear. Although it would be bigger than needed, it carries really well and rolls down when not filled. You probably don’t need a backpack with a frame. Honestly, a Zimmerbuilt style QuickStep or similar would probably do just fine if you are not camping or bringing a lot of camera gear.
Any cooking supplies are superfluous unless you really want to eat freeze-dried meals or have a cup of hot tea on a random remote hilltop. There are actually small huts which serve hot tea at some of the more popular day hikes along the trek. These are only open during peak season.
I primarily hiked in shorts but if it had been much colder leggings or pants would have been nice. There’s a lot of exposure and sun during peak season (even in the summer the clouds cleared enough to get us burnt), so long sleeve shirts and maybe a hat would be nice.
Camp shoes and night clothes aren’t necessary but sure were nice to have. A change or two of underwear and socks would suffice. I brought some running shorts that double as swim trunks. There are several hot springs on the trek which are near town and close to the river. These were mostly flooded over with river water due to the monsoon.
We brought way too many toiletries and a large first aid kit. If I recall correctly some places had toilet paper in their bathrooms and it was also available at some of the shops.

We arrived in Kathmandu near the end of June to pouring rain. The airport is a mess of chaos. One had to take a bus from the plane to get to the terminal. Visas are available on arrival for US citizens and those of many other countries. We chose a 30 day visa for about $50 but there are longer options available. We took a taxi from the airport to Thamel for about $5 and settled into a hostel for the night.
Our first few nights in the hostel were nice (community atmosphere and cheap price) but we soon realized we wanted to be in a hotel and moved locations for our next three nights before the trek. You can walk Thamel in a day or less. There are plenty of decent restaurants and lots of trekkers and tourists. A few of the streets don’t allow cars which is refreshing as the dirt, dust, and exhaust they produce is overwhelming. The shops in Thamel offer everything you could imagine related to trekking but not all of it is quality. You are under constant pressure to buy something or some service you don’t want nearly everywhere you go in Thamel.
Five days in Kathmandu was too long. I’d recommend three to get accustomed to the place, buy any last minutes good for the trek, and get some cash. We left everything we had with us at the hotel including extra camera gear and a laptop. We locked it in a bag and they put it in a second floor storage room. The agreement is that you will stay with them when you return but since they didn’t have rooms we weren’t held to that. Nothing was lost, stolen, or damaged in our experience.
Alobar 1000 Hostel. We stayed two nights here. It was a friendly enough place with cheap water refills available and an inexpensive rooftop bar. There were all sorts of friendly travelers here from yogis and hippies to trekkers and climbers. Our private room was ok but the bathroom was shared and not always so clean. Price was approximately $10-15 per night.
Hotel Family Home. We stayed three nights here and stored our luggage here during our trek. Cost was approximately $20 per night. The rooms were ok. Not quite up to western standards. There was a free breakfast you could pick from (pancakes, smoothies, toast and eggs). The bathroom had an open window instead of a fan and was filled with bugs.
Trekkers Home: We stayed one night here after returning from our trek. It was a great price and the owners were friendly but the air conditioning didn’t work. With the pollution and the summer heat and humidity, having air conditioning is nearly essential in July. Cost was only $12 per night but didn’t include breakfast.
OYO 120 Hotel Tayoma. We stayed here three nights after the trek. It has a Pho restaurant with good food below it. The rooms are large and clean with cold air conditioning. This was probably our favorite spot in Thamel. Price included breakfast for about $20 per night.
Himalayan Java Coffee - Thamel Chowk. This is a popular spot with trekkers and expats alike. Great coffee for the area and many baked goods as well as specialty drinks.
Western Tandoori & Naan House. We probably ate here half a dozen times. Excellent prices and amazing authentic Indian food better than anywhere I’ve had in North America and rivaling London. Local spot with nothing fancy that can get quite hot during the day. Looks a little dirty but we never got sick and enjoyed every meal here.
Northfield Cafe. Nice outdoor cafe with baked goods and a decent breakfast.
Weizen Bakery. Probably our favorite bakery in Thamel. Great chocolate cake and pastries. Half off after 8 pm!
The Cafe With No Name. Great little bar serving local micro-brewed beer and donating proceeds to charity. We went here several times and always loved the food. Definitely geared toward tourists.
Pharmacies. There are numerous pharmacies in Thamel which don’t require a prescription to get things like Diamox, antibiotics, pain relief, or decadron. Quality is unknown of course so use with care.
CIWEC Hospital Pvt. Ltd. This is a private hospital especially for tourists that’s right outside Thamel. Due to an accident which required suturing we actually used this location and got excellent professional service. Our doctor spoke perfect English. She and her nurses all used sterile technique, practiced hand washing, and were very skilled and thorough in their care. I don’t think we would have received better care anywhere in the US. Cost was $330 USD which is a lot for Nepal but was completely covered by our travel insurance.
Walking. This is the best way to get about Thamel and really much of Kathmandu. It's fun just to wander. There are hidden shops, alleyways, and restaurants everywhere. End to end, Thamel is only about a 15 minute walk one way.
Taxis. I don’t think we paid more than $5 for a taxi anywhere including going to the famous stupa or the airport. We paid about $4 for our taxi to the bus station which would have been a 45 minute walk. We usually negotiated the price down a dollar or two from their initial offer.
Buses. We did not ride any city buses. The main bus station for travel around the country is the Gongabu New Bus Station. The bus to Besi Sahar actually picked up about a five minute walk from here at the BG Mall which we found out on the fly the morning of our trip after our taxi dropped us off at the bus station.

This was PART I of a two part series on the Annapurna Circuit. Stay tune for the second part where I go into detail on the day-by-day journey itself.
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